everyone, me and a couple of people have been working on a game for a
while. We are a state where the code is getting good, the concepts
and mechanics are also doing great, but we have a
huge lack in 3D models and animation. The biggest one
is with the characters. We have that sweet concept art, but no
one to work with it
So this is why I came here! We need this beauty build!
Requirement :
Tools: Pref
for blender, but no
problems whit maia or
3D Max.
Poly: Somewhere
between 3000 and 5000 but always negotiable.
We hope to put more details in the
Texture: Pref
for handpainted texture. No
need for
huges details,
but clean.
Rigging and
animation: The characters need
a few basic animations
just to be able to showcase. Stuff like: looping
walking, looping running,
punch, get hit, enrage, die.
Details: We hope to be able to apply multiple skins on eachcharacter, meaning some part should be removable andchangeable, like the armor and maybe the hair. But just one texture would be enough for the moment.
Project details: The game is a tactical MMORPG, in an open 2.5D, set in a near future whit space wizards and weird but awesome stuff. For more info you can go check your forum thread at:http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/t/project-rift-in-the-prophecy-tactical-mmorpg/32134
Expectation: As this is an amateur project, we don't ask too much.Though due to some recent problems with some members I now demand more frequent feedback. We also have some qualitystandards, but that doesn't mean you need to be a pro: that mean you need to be ready to rework the asset, but if you love what you are doing I have no doubt you are fit for that task!
Contacts: If you want to sign in, you can contact me at JavaKhanStudio@Gmail.com. For questions, you can contact medirectly here.
I'll post the results and updates here and on the JMonkey forum if you want to follow your progression.