Hello beautiful people of poly count,
I am a noob and new to this so I aplogise if this question sounds a bit stupid but I am trying to render for the first time and do not understand why I am getting different results when using mentalray.
The rendered image when running inside the maya program looks nice and bright and I'm happy with it but when I save it and open it up in Photoshop or just open the file itself to view in windows photoviewer, it appears all dark. I tried to save it out as different file types like PSD, jpeg etc but it's all the same. The images below will help explain.
Please can you tell me why is this and how do I solve it?
You've stumbled upon gamma correction and linear workflow. To keep it short, try this:
Since you're a beginner and this is a very common issue allow me to suggest googling "linear workflow maya mental ray" and try to understand why that stuff happens. It will pay off.
And in the meantime while you're learning all about the fun world of LWF/gamma correction/srgb/monitor callibration and all that good stuff
you can open your image in PS and apply a levels. Set it to 2.2(centre of histogram between the 0 and the 255) and this should display your render as it appears in Maya's framebuffer.