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Solved: Quixel Suite to UE4 issue

I've plugged in the textures created from Quixel Suite to the respective material nodes in UE4 but for some reason the texture comes out super shiny. I've read posts about others having the same issue and I've deselected sRGB for my spec/gloss maps and changed the nodes to Linear Colour however the texture doesn't change and is still really shiny. Also tried changing the texture compression to masks but still no change. Is there something I'm missing?


  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey Chinesetea - please post images of your material in UE4 (inside of the material editor, with its node network) - I assume you exported as RMA-packed? :smile: 
  • ChineseTea
    Sorry, here! I'm still new at this so I'm not sure if I'm just doing something wrong. :neutral: 

  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
    An image of the model itself would also be helpful. :smile: However, I can see some of the issue already. It looks like you used a workflow preset in dDo for another engine. The Unreal 4 specs (RMA-packed and standard) don't export specular maps by default, and roughness maps are inverted compared to what you've got as your input there. The darker values in a roughness map produce shinier, glossy results. For most materials, there's no need for a specular map at all. Unreal's constant specular is 0.5 which generally matches real-world values for almost every material out there. :smile: 

    When you go back to your project, add an AlbedoM map and a Roughness map. You can remove the Specular map from dDo, in addition to the standard Albedo map. Re-export after you've done this and you should see a significant improvement in UE4 visuals. Also, when you export, choose UE4 (RMA-packed) which takes your Roughness/Metallic/AO maps and places them into the Red/Green/Blue channels, respectively, of a *_reflection.* texture. You can take those channels and wire them into their respective nodes, with the *_reflection.* texture set to Masks in Unreal 4.
  • ChineseTea
    Ah I see! Unfortunately I didn't change the export target under UE4 hence I mistakenly made spec/gloss maps :neutral: I've made the changes and everything is working fine now, thank you! :smiley: 
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