Hello Polycount!
I just recently started working with ZBrush on hard surface models, and I wondered about what's the best retopology option for those. I know that ZRemesher is not ideal for characters because they need to be animated, but is there any disadvantage with using it for hard surface? What I'm thinking about is that retopology should probably not be so EASY as to click once and do everything automatically. Is there some catch?
I'm trying to learn game asset creation workflow that can help me to get a job in the industry. I would not like to be frown upon for using something a real professional wouldn't.
In case something looks wrong, you need to know what causes it and how to fix it manually.
2BYTES, do you know why the industry is not moving into hard-surface modeling in ZBrush (if art lead will want to see my subd)? It feels like it's a huge timesaver over the subd in Max. I always thought that hi-poly can be done basically however I want. I understand that it will be more clean and have fewer polys if I model in Max, but isn't hi-poly used only for baking maps? If the result is the same and there are not any artifacts in rendering the maps, what's the problem in using that workflow?
It's unrelated to the ZRemesher now, but you really picked my interest in this issue.
it will be faster yes... but you have to clean it up... and sometimes its faster to do it by hand...
If you want fast hard edged modeling then apps like Moi3d or Fusion use Nurbs and is more accurate then poly modeling.