Hello everyone!
First of all, I want to apologise for the stupidity behind this question, I'm sure it has a very simple answer.
I have 3ds Max 2014. I am getting quite proficient with the actual modelling part, but when it gets to generating normals I get a horrible mess of random model parts, whereas my UV's are nicely generated and even. My question is, are normal maps supposed to be of the same layout as the UV maps?
Thankyou for any and all help. Sorry again for the basic question
Anyway, this is what I'm trying to generate a normal map for: http://www.mediafire.com/view/p98rwafw79lsuqh/overview_pic.JPG
This is what the Uv's look like: http://www.mediafire.com/view/kp4pcxp2f44u2zn/uv's.JPG
And this is what the normal map generated as: http://www.mediafire.com/view/qlov6qz448zvev3/normal.JPG
My question was, are the Uv and Normal maps supposed to be of a similar layout? And if not, how can I make the normal map more "clean"?
Thankyou for your earlier swift reply as well.
2) Are you using a cage?
Imagine your UV's as a canvas. On that canvas different maps need to be applied using the same layout e.g. normal map, Ambient occlusion, Albedo ect. will all use the same canvas. There are exceptions to this sometimes however the vast majority of cases this applies.
I am struggling here to work out what exactly you are trying to do, are you trying to do two separate layouts for you model and trying to bake your normal map out on a separate layout?
You should aim for using the FEWEST UV islands as possible. You have to make concessions for your normal maps and uv island size, but the fewer uv islands the better.
After unwrapping use IPackThat to pack your islands.
Anyway, heres a link to the model if anybody was inclined to look at it:
So yes, your normal map needs to bake to your first UV layout. There is a setting in the baking options, make sure it is set to the correct uv set.
Sorry for mis-interpreting the images!
I thought I must have missed a setting somewhere that told it which UV to bake off of, it was the only reasonable explanation I could think of. That was my original question if the layouts were supposed to be the same, and now I have confirmation of that.
Thankyou all!