Just did a quick review on this piece after a break on the Holidays and it kinda strayed from my original goal so I am doing over the clothing but here is a close- up on the face
Alright then did some more to this, made some handwraps and everything. Did a quick keyshot render because I want to see it rendered a bit and now onto the lower body (the pants are a placeholder)
I took a long break from classes and such and finnally got some time to work on this again. Did alot and I know the hands are small and the stomach is wierd but going to fix that soon
Welp good news and bad news, bad news is that the files I had on this is lost or corrupted when hard drive crashed but good news is that I had a fresh perspective on this concept and I figured that I need to take 5 steps back and review what I am missing with this and what made me a little hesitant to finish this. Well first I didnt plan this out right so I concepted this again but from scratch and then this what is the result of 2 weeks of work on and off on this piece. Starting to get the flow down
@alifarsangi : thanks man
(the pants are a placeholder)
I like the new design.
Looking forward to this.
keep going