Hi there,
A little bit about me, I'm starting out in the industry of concept art after switching career 2 years ago. I trained at home during this time, thanks to forums like this one, FZD or levelup, and I got my first gigs last summer. If you're curious, here's my
I'll be posting mostly WIPs. Whenever I feel stuck I like to ask around for some piece of advice. Anyway, here's the fromage, cheers and have a good day

I'm so tired with this one, I spent a couple of nights on it and I'm not getting anywhere. My main issue here is the foreground and overall clarity, I think. Any idea
2nd iteration of a random sketch
Your work is very nice, nothing to teach you Anya !
I like that one. What do you want to explain with that piece? It has atmosphere, but if you'd rather show some specific detail I'd bring that lit region in the background closer to the viewer -- there are some interesting details there, like what looks like a statue at the end of the bridge?