I had GoZ working previously (months ago), and just tried using it from Maya to ZBrush. Every time I do so, it crashes Maya. No errors or anything - Maya just freezes up and has to be force shut down from the task manager. I figured I could reinstall from the ZBrush preferences to fix the issue, but it doesn't appear to reinstall anything after going through Preferences > GoZ > Force Reinstall. I updated the application paths, cleared the cash, and tried again with the same unsuccessful result. So then I tried the manual install as listed on this page after removing the shelf from Maya (so I would have a way to confirm that it reinstalled): http://docs.pixologic.com/user-guide/zbrush-other-programs/goz/manual-installation/. We use userSetup.py instead of userSetup.mel, so I removed our version and used Pixologic's userSetup.mel. It did nothing. Out of desperation I also tried using the tips detailed on this site to see if they'd work, but they didn't: http://salt-lake-services.com/services/Page.php?pid=329. Does anyone here have any idea what I can do to restore GoZ functionality and the shelf button? |