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WIP Captain Rex - Star wars fan art

polycounter lvl 6
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maxsc polycounter lvl 6
Hi everyone, this is my first post on the forum so I decided to share what I'm curently working on during my free time. As you can see on the title, this will be a star wars fan art about one of my favorite character of the universe, the captain Rex. 

I think about doing a full project with character, maybe a vehicule and a backround inspired by this guy work : https://www.artstation.com/artist/hothotweezly

So first a few of my reference. Most of it are either from figurines or from the clone wars animated series. 

I've also take some references on the arc troopers.

And here is where I am now. Most of the model is done and I'm starting polypainting it inside of Zbrush to make a try.

Some renders from keyshot.

If you have any advice or critiques let me know :smiley: 


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