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Grouping and utilizing game props (question)

polycounter lvl 4
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Doomathon polycounter lvl 4
Hi all,

So I am making some miscellaneous environment props for game engines but I am confused about something. I have various models and I am trying to figure out the best way to group them in order to minimize drawcalls. For example, I have 2 large wire spools, and a traffic pylon. Those 3 props I attached together and unwrapped onto the same texture sheet, and I plan on exporting them all as one fbx.

So the thing I am confused about is, what if a level designer, or whoever, wanted to move the pylon, or the wire spool(s) around to a different area on the map? Is it common for a single mesh, from a group of props, to be utilized independently from the others it was originally imported with? I figured that may be too destructive of a work-flow, but I also thought giving each mesh their own separate texture sheets would be inefficient as well.

Another example would be making a wooden pallet with concrete mix bags on it, and having them on the same UV sheet. Then let's say I wanted to use just the pallet, with nothing on it, leaning against the wall in UE4. Could I use the same wooden pallet I originally imported, and delete the bags off of it, or should I make, unwrap and texture another wooden pallet just for the purpose of being by itself?

I hope that makes sense haha. I just wanted to know if it was okay to mix and match different props in engine, that aren't on the same texture sheets, or if its intention is to be used alone then it has to have its own uv space.

Thanks in advance!


  • Doomathon
    Offline / Send Message
    Doomathon polycounter lvl 4
    Any prop gurus have advice for me? :)
  • Eric Chadwick
    Like you say, it totally depends on the usage. Usually it's best to reuse the same material on multiple items in the same level (and thus the same bitmaps).

    It sounds like maybe you're making an asset pack for an asset store? If you don't know how an asset is going to be used, but you're selling them as a complete set to be used in a themed level, then I'd say pack all into one sheet.

    But if you're making one-offs that are usually unique in a level, then don't re-use the maps. That way the asset can be unloaded as soon as it's out of view. It doesn't need to be kept around to render other things.
  • Doomathon
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    Doomathon polycounter lvl 4
    Interesting. So that means if multiple objects were to be on the same sheet, yet in different places then the engine would still be rendering all the objects associated with those textures? Even if one or two are nowhere near the player?

    And yeah, I'm essentially making a prop pack for an asset store, but just static background props to populate an environment.

    Thanks a lot for the info. That really helped.
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