Hey folks,
Finally got some decent free time to work on this. High poly and low poly are done. Bakes are first pass; got some minor nitpicks here and there to fix. Hoping Quixel 2.0 will come out sooner rather than later so I can texture with it.

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/83/4e/a2/834ea20e15703c22d0b09efbc102c5bd.jpg(Used many other reference images, but the above was the initial image that started the project)

High poly

Low Poly in Marmoset

Also without looking at the ref I thought this was maybe going in a toon style direction... I was confused why the other shapes weren't as exaggerated as the barrel.
@Wesley - Thanks! The first time I saw this I thought it was a joke weapon. I guess they weren't too popular though due to safety issues. I could only imagine why. :P
@AaronMWolford - Thanks a bunch! I will add those clips, not sure why I spaced on it. Thanks for pointing them out. I'll also look at the barrel again; I might have used a slightly different reference for it.
@Madosho - I see your point and agree with it. I'll see what I can do with it. Thanks
Still need to do all the engravings and details and more polish on the wood.
@beefaroni, Thanks! Really love your work...definitely work that I look up to.
Finally finished this asset up at lunch and calling it done!
- Flint leather
- Flint
- Sling loops
Edit: Heh I realized that your other work on here is from a few years back. Figured out who you are when I saw this pop up on Artstation.
@Stavaas Thank you sir!