If everyone is still happy to stick to the animal theme, since locomotion has been done it might be good to try studying animal behavior. So pick a reference where an animal is doing something (interacting with an object, searching for something.. etc) and animating a short scene based on that.
As usual I'm happy for anyone to give an alternate theme, I'm just chucking this one out there.
I made some Bear animations for class, so I think it fits with the locomotion aspect of the post.
It kinda sucks that my loops aren't super clean because of the way I have to export the files, I wish there was a better way than windows movie maker and youtube.
Awesome! , we should add another week to this one. I will participate from Monday hehe , been busy with CTN trip and an application for a job ( hopefully I get a response at least xD or feedback on my reel) ! I think I will be using the Fox from Daniel Moss !
Really nice animation on the owl K`vin The only thing that stands out a bit is the last wing movement he does, it feels like it's a bit to straight or maybe missing some inbetweens or something, not really sure since I can't frame by frame it on youtube Everything else looks finished and smooth so it makes the last move with the wing feel out of place or a bit unfinished.
-Holy shit K'VIN that looks so good! my only note is that when he swings her wing back it looks like a pop but the rest is so good!
-That damaged walk looks awesome Blond! I can totally see that he is hurt. There is a strange movement in the back left leg, his knee goes up and down very fast. It does this in the entire walk but it some footsteps looks good (because the damage) but at the start it seems like to be a lot. It may be the knee controller being from side to side . Also at the end his front right leg have a pop too, awesome work!
Here is my blocking still no ears, eyes or tail. I think I will finish it in the week or maybe other week haha since I will be attending CTN !! Also I will add the breathing at the beginning in splines
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE6NH6KQ3_c&feature=youtu.be I was able to animate the same wolf from a while ago running. I wanna use this one for a portfolio piece once it's fully done. Currently, the tail and face have no animation; gonna add that stuff on another pass. I would reallly like some feedback if possible.
It kinda sucks that my loops aren't super clean because of the way I have to export the files, I wish there was a better way than windows movie maker and youtube.
The Idle animation looks so good! It have that vibe of a turn based game
The run looks good so far. The back of the bear looks strange , it would look better if you add some rotations to the pelvis and to the chest
Look at this guy animation
My contribution. I'm working on a short and it happens, the protagonist is abear...
Here is my idea , I still don't know if I will place a hand with a dog treat or just a treat appearing magically
My progress on my bear ( I made him walk on motion path)...
And here's the next shot
THis is the longest ''walk'' cycle I've ever done! I used some tricks to break the repetitions as you can see.
The only thing that stands out a bit is the last wing movement he does, it feels like it's a bit to straight or maybe missing some inbetweens or something, not really sure since I can't frame by frame it on youtube
Everything else looks finished and smooth so it makes the last move with the wing feel out of place or a bit unfinished.
-That damaged walk looks awesome Blond! I can totally see that he is hurt. There is a strange movement in the back left leg, his knee goes up and down very fast. It does this in the entire walk but it some footsteps looks good (because the damage) but at the start it seems like to be a lot. It may be the knee controller being from side to side
Here is my blocking still no ears, eyes or tail. I think I will finish it in the week or maybe other week haha since I will be attending CTN
Also I will add the breathing at the beginning in splines
I was able to animate the same wolf from a while ago running. I wanna use this one for a portfolio piece once it's fully done. Currently, the tail and face have no animation; gonna add that stuff on another pass. I would reallly like some feedback if possible.