I've been watching a bunch of tutorials to easy my way into zbrush. Most of them seem to go through dynamesh in the early stages. So I tried using it but for some reason I can't get it to work.
Here's the issue I'm having (album):
I'm following a tut about sculpting some tiles.
1. Is the tile
2. I isolate one piece into it's own subtool and dynamesh it. It ends up looking really weird around the edges with the mesh being all wavy
3. Polyframe is turned off and you can see there are artifacts along the edges
4. So i think it's because of wireframe of the piece so I test it out on a very simple box
5. I dynamesh the box and again some weirdness happens along the corners
6. Same wavy wireframe
I'm at a loss, every tut I see just presses dynamesh and it works for them. I get this result every time I seem to use it. Tried looking for an answer online, duplicating the subtool and projecting it, zremesher but none work. My lack of familiarity with zbrush is of course not helping.
Are you dynameshing at a resolution of 512?? It doesn't look like the object has taken the 512 resolution mate.
Looking at your active points it doesn't seem high enough from the pictures. I mean from what I see from the 3rd picture is your activepoints are 13,372. You should be in the region of XXX,XXX activepoints or even in the millions if you at a 512 resolution.
Base count for the cube would be 8 anyway, and maybe the size makes it so it doesn't reach into the 6 digits.
I tried scaling up and down with similar results.
I recommend using Joseph Drust's plugin: 'Dynamesh Master', which is what they might be using In some of the tutorials you are watching.
It works differently to how the standard dynamesh works. IE: You don't have to have dynamesh on or have to Ctrl+Left Click to re-dynamesh.
You set your resolution in Dynamesh Master - say 1.5 million. Click on the dynamesh button in Dynamesh Master and then sculpt and then keep clicking that button again in dynamesh Master when you need too. It's a lot faster than the standard dynamesh.
If you are doing a lot of dynamesh work, I recommend customizing your UI and having this plugin at hand.
Dynamesh is size related. If your object is small, the resolution will be small, even with 2096. So you have to make it bigger.
Dynamesh master does all this for you and you can assign the wanted amount of resulting polygons instead of guestimations & try outs.
About the object size, the ones I used were actually pretty huge because of how Maya units work vs zbrush ones (with Maya set to cm).
Will need a to register on Zbrushcentral to read the second one. But highly recommended if you are going down the Zbrush route.
The issue is less visible the higher the poly count (since it only happens around the corners, and with smaller polys it more discrete).
So I guess I'll just do that and move on.
Thanks for all the replies and help!
For some dynamesh practice recommend Michael Pavlovich's youtube
You will notice, as he is working in a lower resolution he is smoothing the edges at a low intensity to clean them up. Working at a higher resolution, less smoothing will be necessary.
Anyway, good luck in the discovery.
Apologies, one more recommendation mate:
Again Michael Pavlovich explains your dynamesh resolution and scale issue.
Do recommend his whole Youtube channel if you are learning Zbrush.