Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Portfolio Critique

polycounter lvl 3


  • alexk
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    alexk polycounter lvl 12
    Took a quick look. I agree that your lighting could use improvement. It looks like you have a basic understanding of how to produce game art but you need to refine it and push yourself to achieve a better result. For example, the Abyss Tunnels. You have the basic models, but you're not pushing it further in all areas. The texturing work looks like a noise base with an AO on top and that's it. You didn't go further with it and add cool details like maybe stains, or scuff marks, or additional damage. Things that bring it to life! Your pillar sculpt is very basic. You have the shape and some chips/chunks, but it's not fun to look at. You're missing the details, and/or even exaggerating details in order to make it look better.

    This goes for your Dojo as well. I was scrolling through it and at the end you've posted your concept and it's such a staggering difference, it really hurts you. You didn't capture what's great about the concept.

    Moving forward, I think perhaps just make a single prop, like a pillar, and spend the time to make it look AMAZING. Pick references with interesting parts to it and incorporate them into your prop, whatever it may be. Post it up here to get critiques from other artists. Additionally, look at great art and aim to achieve that level of quality or close.

    Here's an example of a pillar sculpt I googled that could fit into your abyss tunnels scene. Notice the interesting details the artist put into it to make it unique

  • sarah190016
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    sarah190016 polycounter lvl 6
    I have seen a tutorial that have the same corner scene on your portfolio, you can take it as reference to improve your lighting, I believe I found it on Digital tutor under Unreal engine Content.
  • DweenieTodd
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    DweenieTodd polycounter lvl 3
    I have seen a tutorial that have the same corner scene on your portfolio, you can take it as reference to improve your lighting, I believe I found it on Digital tutor under Unreal engine Content.

    I will have a look at that. Unfortunately i've not been subscribed to digital tutors for a while. Maybe some tutorials from there could help me betetr my skills, particularly in lighting. Thank you!
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