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Sketchbook: Thompsongast

polycounter lvl 4
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thompsongast polycounter lvl 4
Hi All!
Through this Sketchbook I wish to keep track of my progress and projects but also to share with you my personal work (and professional work if possible) as I'm learning to do more and more cool stuff in 3D! Please feel free to comment or criticize my work for the sake of me being able to analyze and improve from your feedback! At the moment I have started doing some 3D work a couple of years ago, but only started my first serious personal project a couple of days ago. Inspired by a lot of images I see on this forum I wanted to start sharing my own work with you!
- As I am not very active in forums, I will now try to not make a mess out of this ;)


  • thompsongast
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    thompsongast polycounter lvl 4
    To Introduce myself a bit more I wanted to share with you my graduation project which I finished this July and was my second 3D project after deciding to follow the path of environment creation. Over the course of 16 weeks I was able to design, produce and deliver it. I have learned a lot from it but looking back at it I see a lot that I know I can do better now. Since the project was so big and there is lots of other stuff to learn I decided to let this be for now and move on to new stuff. Let me know what you think! 

  • thompsongast
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    thompsongast polycounter lvl 4
    While I'm at it, let's share my current project: 3D visualization of my parents bathroom. Through this project I hope to learn more about organic vs hard-surface shapes (and getting those organic surfaces to look right) and practice creating various materials. At the moment I have started detailing the base-meshes.

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