well i asked that already in zcentral but i think its a 2 unusual problem that anyone could find any solution.
I got one mesh that is on realy high subD lvl of 7. It has 55m polygons but if i subdivide it now subd lvl6 and 7 stays the same and the total polygon count gows down.
Its 1human fullbody, the head/neck split apart from the rest of the body has 8million polygons which i need for micro details.
Now its on lvl7 and has polygoncount of lvl6...
i already spent some hours on it but cant get it back on that polycount, i didnt save that ofc.
pls maybe someone know something about that weird error.
And if your really do, split the mesh into more single parts.
I had 55million on lvl7. Now i have 37m or something on lvl6 and 7!
i somehow lose 1lvl of detail from 6 to 7. After subdividing the total polygon count is lower.
thx for ur replay btw
oke if i would split parts, i mean i got 6 humans and all have around the same polygons at the end. One has 45m the one who dont want to show me the subD7 anymore has or had 55.
Well im not sure how a workflow for a fullbody on high details works. Can i split the head and body into 2 subtools and merge them together if neededd?
here is a preview how it looks like. I just left the body allways in one piece but since this is my first roll on highly detailed pieces i did not run into this kind of problems before...but also i cant find any tutorial or something for this kind of modeling.
thx for ur time and answers !
my general impression of the 64 bit version isn't all that positive though. i had random crashes even just switching subtools or subdivision levels. perhaps try to rebuild your mesh in the 32 bit version?
i went back to Z4R6 because of the issues i encountered.
i triedd that and the 32bit version already is showing me the error that i dont have enough ram
Could it be that i simply need more ram? i got 16gb ddr4. :S
just weird that it worked for some time, but now wont work anymore.:shifty:
the reason i mentioned it is that 64 bits is explicitly labeled as beta softwar, for testing only. 32 bits is considered 'stable' and the proper version of 4R7.
you probably have to drop down a subdivision level or two from your highest and export that, reimport and rebuild the subdivision hierarchy. if you are losing detail this way, you might want to read into creating displacement maps and do one from your highest level on the screwed file and apply later to a clean ztool.
as a first step you might also want to export just level 1 and inspect it in 3ds max or maya or whatever you're using to see if the geometry is ok as such.
at least it sounds like something got seriously screwed in your mesh at one point and is now baked in.
the good thing is i have a displacment map made of the highest subD.
I will check the mesh first.
Unfortunately i changed out some tris in 3ds max to quads inside the eye just in case there was something wrong even if i thought zbrush has no problems with tris.
Now i project as much details back from the old mesh as i can. Not the best way and takes some time but important is to know that i could mask out some areas and after that use subD