In this amazing talk in the GDC Vault:
The developers used a tileable terrain to create a good sense of depth in the maps. They called that technique terrain skirts. In Battlefield:
They seem to use a similar technique, but instead of using tileable terrain, they constrain the gameplay area to a smaller part of the terrain, and then they use what appears to be low-poly versions of high-quality WorldMachine terrains in the horizon.
Do you guys have a similar technique? I have been exporting a low-poly OBJ from WorldMachine, including the normal map, diffuse and specular. I use that object as a decoration in the engine, but the result doesn't look very good. Maybe i should export a heightmap, import into MudBox, manually paint the textures, retopologize and then export?
We have several methods here:
Displace a grid in Max, and use a custom shader in-game to blend the tiling maps, either using vertex color or a splatmap. Depends on the resolution needed.
Also nice to add a single normal map for the whole piece, with the details from WM or whatever erosion tool. Check the UDN link on the MultiTexture page I posted.
This is my current graph. I added some stuff which is not there and rearranged some elements since then.
And here is output it produces
I plan to add masks for when I figure out where I'll place man made structures and some roads to keep terrain in that areas "under control".