I am currently attending school for Game Art and Design, and we've been primarily using Maya for modeling. I currently have Maya 2016 student version (3 years, 2 years remaining for me) at home. Unfortunately due to some debilitating health issues (CRPS,PTSD), I can't continue with school or fulfill a dream to work in a game studio. So as of now, I have to settle for studying/practicing on my own and eventually be skilled enough to do freelance works.
If my current plan come to fruition, does it really matter what programs I use when doing freelance work? Should I continue learning to use Maya or dive into and learn Modo (with the price of both products in mind). I (think) have Maya student version for another 2 years but then after that, I have to end up doing the price for subscription as I read that its the last year they are offering a perpetual license.
-Can a freelance character artist (something I wanted to be) enlighten me on how they work? the process or how they got into it?
-Any suggestions/tips to work around disabilities to be able to continue to pursue my dreams?
-how do game studios outsource some of their work?
I apologize for the long post.
This are the programs I currently use Zbrush,Topogun,3D Coat, Substance Painter, Quixel, XNormal, CrazyBump, Adobe Creative Cloud, Maya/Max2016(student version)...I know this are just tools of the trade but is there something I else I should consider if I want to study on my own?
**I am very lucky to have a very supportive wife to buy me all those goodies

- How to get known enough to get job offers (as a freelancer)? That´s something I always wondered about.
I am not familiar with your disabilities but speaking from experience with family members I have learned that you really have to be loud and ASSERTIVE and not back down whenever there is an issue of sacrifice between a party you have an issue with.
For instance was there anything your school could have done from your perspective that could have facilitated your education despite your disability? I know it sounds like a pain but learning to be a vocal advocate can make a difference between living the life u desire or being a polite wallflower. ( and if u were raised like myself to not make waves and jes fit in... might go against all the social brainwashing u have ingrained )
It might seem hard to stand up to large educational institutions particularly if they put on their bullying faces on... But It is usually illegal for them not to make accommodations for disabilities and in the instances with my family members every instance of bullying ended with said institutions whimpering away with their tails securely between their legs ( law is on yer side )
Proud of my learning disabled niece who is going on her 5th year as a teacher since graduating.
typically that works through contacts you've made. best bet is to work in studios first, get around a bit, become acquainted to a few people who matter (tm) then go freelance and use them as your network to start out with.
i know a handful of people who've not spent much time in studios (not necessarily character artists) who are amazing enough to get good offers out of the blue from top clients though. so there's definitely a way there, too.
I have worked with people who experience migraines fairly regularly. I know this is not the same thing as CRPS or PTSD, but they were able to work around it, taking some time off here and there when it got too bad to concentrate or stay focused. Most studios are accommodating with this, as long as you are able to get the work done.
As for finding work, I put a couple pages on the wiki that might help you.
Currently the school have a very strict attendance policy (I was dropped in a class after taking my finals (I completed all required work and never miss a deadline) and getting my final grade for the class (A) because of my poor attendance, I am currently appealing this), and due to the unpredictable symptoms of CRPS Type II(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_regional_pain_syndrome) seems a lot for me to explain here. But for me basically, I will get stabbing sharp shooting pain from my leg up to my spine sometimes as often as x6 an hour. The pain is nauseating and unbearable that all I can do is crawl up and cry
With all the medical condition, the best route for me (It think) is to do stuff from home, going through free and paid tutorials, maybe even get into one of the mentorship program I've been seeing around the forum.
Making art is just not a passion for me but sort of a rehabilitative medium. It helps me deal with the pain I am experiencing everyday. So this is something I do not want to give up!
Thank you for the links as well, I already bookmarked them.
be active, show your work, people will recognize you once you are good enough
i just saw your guns and would like to talk to you :P
not about something specific, maybe future possibilities
got skype? hit me up
polyphobia is my nick