Hello everyone. I'm using Marmoset 2 and every so often I'll import an Albedo map. Every so often that material looks like it just went through a lightness filter. I know Marmoset is the problem because it looks just fine in the actual TGA texture.
The problem is the material right?
No. It still won't work if I create a new material. It doesn't matter if it's the default material, UE4, DOTA, etc
Is the problem is with the Albedo maps slot itself?
No. I can import a completely different albedo map in the same slot and it will work just fine
Is the problem is with the texture?
Yes and no. No in that when I open up the texture in photoshop it looks just fine. However that's the only texture that looks "too bright" when I bring it into toolbag. I re-saved that texture and overwrote the TGA. Imported with STILL no luck.
Is the problem with the name of the texture?
Welp, I opened it in photoshop a second time. Instead of using the same name and overwriting the original I named it "IBetICanTrickToolbagLOL.TGA" and it came in just fine. I could save, turn off my computer, call it a day and pretend like this never happened but I don't want to stop until I understand the problem. After all who is to say it won't happen again. In fact, It will most likley happen again. I know this for a fact because I recreated a new scene and every so often I'll re import an Albedo and it will just show up "bright."
Also, it's not just the "lowWood_base_color.tga" I was having a problem with. Every so often I'll open a new scene and it will happen to "lowStone_base_color.tga" or "lowMetal_base_color.tga." So it's not a problem with that specific file in particular.
What do I do from here?
But why? If I had it disabled before then why did it work when I imported my second test texture in the same slot?
Also, I applied that to all my other textured. sRGB looks objectively better and quite beautiful. Why is this not the default?
There is a marmoset link area usually where the developers hang and answer any concerns, i know you are aware of it if you want a speedier response.
You should read up on Gamma to understand why, there are some good threads linked on the wiki, wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Gamma .
Erm, no. Saving everything as linear can actually cause compression artifacts, especially in the low end of the value range. Data textures (such as normalmaps) should ofc be linear. Keeping spec and gloss textures as srgb is fine (you know, as long as you convert back to linear before you do any shader computation with it).