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Human anatomy

polycounter lvl 3
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m1kc polycounter lvl 3
Anatomy practice


[Update] Some screens without cloting on the top





  • Jakub
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    Jakub interpolator
    First things first, when you post a anatomy study do not cover one of the most important landmarks of the body(scapula). Scapulohumeral rhythm is something that has to be seen, so if mistake is made people are there to help you out.

    I am not sure, but something is wrong with the proportions of the body, I do not have access to photoshop to check it at this moment.

    Your overall muscle placement is correct, what you need to work on is their origin and insertion. For example, ridge muscles in the forearm, lats on the back.

    One thing I can suggest, but that will help you a lot, study the bony landmarks: clavicle, scapula, acromion process, lateral/medial epicondyle, anterior/posterior superior iliac spine, ulnar furrow, knee area, laterial/medial malleolus.

    Remember to pick up references before attempting to sculpt the human body.
  • m1kc
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    m1kc polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks for your reply Jakub, I will delete all this covers and post full body later. Main reason why I cover some parts is that legs, hands and head are splited and my pc is to wooden to make it dynameshed with hiresolution.
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