So It's probably a dumb question that I may have answered myself but it's more of an assurance from the rest of the community that is more knowledgeable about importing/exporting from Maya to 3ds Max as I am not much of a 3ds Max User.
My question is, if I was to work in Meters in Maya and then export that model to 3ds Max and leave the 3ds Max unit configuration as 1 unit=1 centimeter would that change my meter measured model into cm correctly?
I am supposed to model a 52m in height building and I model faster and more efficient in Maya but they want the final model packaged as a 3ds Max 2011-2013 scene. So even though the 52m building would be much larger than the cm oriented grid, the building would still make sense and be considered 5200cm in the scene?
Again, sorry if it's a dumb question and I'm probably over thinking it but I'd like to get some clarification before going ham on modeling.
if you use OBJ youe end up with an 52cm buidling... OBJ knows nothign about units...