Dota 2 Bi-Monthly Community Competition #24 Sept/Oct 2015
THE THEME IS: Winter Time!The Competition
The idea of the competition is to create items in a friendly environment with the feedback of other participants to get the best result possible for all. This isn't to teach you the basics of 3d modeling. You will need to have that one wrestled down already. But! We will teach you, if you ask nicely, how to get a hat on Zeus or maybe Io.
This month we are wanting to encourage everyone to make something for the the upcoming holiday/winter season. As with all development, the art assets need to be done well in advance of the time they are needed. If Valve wants some winter-like items, they will want them well before December. October Thirty-First would be a the latest you would want to get your items in at the Workshop.
With two months time, we aren't going to restrict the asset type. Make what you can and what you want; sets, singles, wards, etc etc.
Note: We are not suggesting you make anything religious in nature. It would not get picked and the Workshop guidelines forbid it as well.
Dates: September 1st - October 31st midnight Pacific timezone 
The Prizes
Now what are we giving out for prizes you might ask? Let me impress you. The winner, as in winner takes all, will get the following:
Four of the Vinyl Figures from the 2015 International event. Factory sealed.
Two full sets, three boxes each and factory sealed too, of the pin sets from the 2015 International event.
One small Greentooth Trophy
If the winner is a team of people, each will get a Greentooth trophy. You will have to decide how to split the other loots between yourselves.
Runners up of merit, at our discression, will receive one of
the blind bag Dota emoticharm sets from the 2015 International event. Maybe more random things we have around the office too.
We bought enough of these items at the TI this year to give this level of prizes out for the next year.
Not sure if that falls into the "religious" category.
yep, everything and anything is allowed. We've not been having much luck when narrowing it, so I thought we'd try just opening it wide this time.
If you make a Santa Orge it might work if you keep from resembling the Coca Cola version.
I agree. If we don't give away all these prizes, I will never see the back wall of my closet.
I could also see an helper "Elf" ogre and Razzil being "Santa".
I should have announced that fact here sooner, I apologize. I am working at doing this better. feel free to point and yell if i'm fucking up.
^ lol good idea
Of course, but you guys get to figure out how to split the loots. We will give you each a Greentooth trophy too.
Updated the OP as well to reflect that.
Might run with it, though busting out essentially a double-set of items in a month, hmmm... The saddle could be a sleigh lol
Anyone want to work with me this idea? Maybe get a concept started?
If you are submitting it as a new item, sure.
But it needs to be more than just a recolor of a texture sort of effort. Most are making items from scratch, so we'd want to see some decent pixel/poly pushing from you too.
here is a first rough sketch of the idea:
will probably team up with hunterkiller (if he likes the concept^^)
also i was drawing a littlebit on lich trying to find some possible single items for him. i have not yet partnered up with anyone for this (also its not yet finished) so feel free to contact me if u are looking for something.
crit and feedback is welcome!
Out of curiosity, how often do polycount dota 2 monthly comp themes get items accepted by Valve? Are these themes influenced by Valves decisions?
about ur question: sometimes they accept something. for example from the polycount chest event we did a while ago they accepted 3 sets (out of 40).
there is no special volvo interest into our competition.
the main reason for those events here is learning, improving ur art and meeting other people.
a team-up would be great, but as usual, if nobody wants to team with me i`ll be solo battling.
Is it ok to show 3d concepts because I work with ideas in my head and kind of go with what comes up in my mind.
Ok so a winter theme huh. I think to start of again I'm going with a lycan single item , maybe a Head or Shoulder piece.
Anyone got any serious objections to making the deadline october 31st?
That's gonna be like 500 dollars worth of TI swag up for grabs each time. And that's without one of the items turning out to be a rare.
Green ice...
let's do this!
Congrats bro. Was wondering about that
Snow snow snow..
Any texturer around here who's interested?
Needs more work but i was wondering if anyone would be interested in texturing it..
Flying version will include a flying sleigh..PM me
Hey guys , I will join the contest this month with a centaur set
Made a quick doodle of the idea . Basicaly its a more warm suit of armor for it
Pretty straight forward , but It might be diferent enough from the ones that are in the store so far .
Worked on the base mesh for a bit
I'll download the mesh tonight and get a project set up.
I`m planning on going for a 3 piece set for SK- tail-claws-shoulder, the theme will be a ice tipped sand king. It will be challenging because ice in the dessert is hard to represent on sk without overdoing it, model AND texture wise, since i`ll go offroad with his color scheme. i`ll try to keep it clean and balanced.
right now i`m experimenting with claw shapes, and tail scales forms.
I have to make slight ice formations without leaving his main contours too much
Great stuff happening so far. I like the drow concept art. really fitting for the character. Mystery was always taken away from Drow.
decided to do a completly new set - looking for modeler
edit: updated the concept / taken!
I would really need some advice from you guys regarding the general shapes.
@Coyo Te, the setreminds me a bit of tusk. Maybe some more browns on the furred bracelets? I think you could get away with a blue-fire particle for his flaming spears.
Finished my sculpt for the centaur set
Anyways, working on an icy weaver set, slightly based off of skadi since i needed some inspiration:
I'm new to 3D world and Dota 2 workshop, but I've been playing Dota 2 for such a long time and I think I would give myself a chance for joining this competition. But I've got some questions hope you guys could answer me.
1. The theme is about winter season, does this mean that all the concept of items, weapon should have a cold colors scheme?
2. For more chance to be accepted by Valve we should choose the right hero which match the best with the theme, right?
3. For now, which one will be easily accepted by valve than the other one? Such as making single item, or a whole set, or ward, etc??? Is there any statistic and inforamtion about this?
Thanks m8
May the best icy creature set win!
Here is my sculpting basemesh, not particularly exciting stuff. Time to dust off the Wacom!