Hey guys, wanted to share my AK12 in progress, making the highpoly right now.
With the project I wanted to focus on achieving a good replica of the reference and improve my very little skill in presentation.
Found a good amount of reference photos but not as much as I would have liked due to the newness of the gun making some angles hard to find (compared to say an ak47) went off with stealing some ak47 stuff if I couldn't find anything. Some parts may be off to the true gun.
Some renders of the highpoly parts of the gun so far taken in blender. Personally I think the lighting isn't all too good and would like to improve, anyone has got some tips for a nice setup I would appreciate it (right now just using HDRI)

Viewport render

I'm planning on bringing this to a low poly game ready model with PBR in mind.
Any comments and feedback with what can be improved and the lot are greatly appreciated. Also ideas for maybe giving the gun some character would be awesome.

By edgeflow you mean wireframe or the rendering? I do think that I need to showoff the edges more with my rendering which I hope to do in my next rendering after I've finished the high poly, only have a few parts left.
Try a three-point lighting setup. Its hard to get a studio lighting with only a hdri.
Yes both sides are modelled but the ak12 is designed to be ampidextrous so both sides are very simillar mainly the stock and lower reciever have the most differences of either side.
I was planning to do 3 point light setup
I know they're a bit nois, my laptop I have isnt all too powerful and I didnt want to spend 30+ minute rendering
Some notes. For whatever reason some parts didnt have sub-d applied in the first image so they can be a bit blocky, i.e. upper reciever, barrel. Maybe some others.
The lighting setup I think is a lot better than previous renders, although of course a lot of improvement can be done. I'll tinker around for the final render.
Been trying to improve my rendering and compositing in photoshop to get some better images, any thoughts of improvements I can do? I think it's much improved from the first iteration but there is always room for improvement.
Also which material is better for a complete final render the first of second one? Might spend some time tommorow rendering images out completely with no noise.