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Zbrush : Need feedback on sculpting


Ref used: My goal was not to entirly duplicate the ref just to have a base on something to work from.


Hello, this is my first real atempt at Zbrush, im planning to do lots of Zsketches and studys to get more fimiliar with Zbrush, ill be doing lots of creatures first.
Can some please give me some ‪‎feedback‬, i have posted this on other groups but didn't get much feedback.

please . .


  • Yonderboy
    Offline / Send Message
    Yonderboy polycounter lvl 6
    I'm no expert, but it looks cool to me. Good to see a different subject matter for a change. I think the texturing at the bottom and on his head crest look a little too out the box and stamped but other than that its looking good. Not sure what that hole indentation on the side is meant to be but could perhaps do with more definition. (post your reference maybe)
  • MadaraZero
    Offline / Send Message
    Hey thanks alot, i asked one of my friends and got excellent feedback, but thanks anyway. i hope some people will have something to add to it.

    As ref i used a kasuaris, i edited my post and added the ref.
  • j.god
    Offline / Send Message
    j.god polycounter lvl 4
    I'd work more on the silhouette before going into detail. Start at low sub and nail that first.
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