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Hand Unwrap Critique Wanted

polycounter lvl 8
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2Loud4u polycounter lvl 8
I'm trying to re-familiarize myself with the procedure of UV unwrapping by flattening a hand I created not too long ago. Critiques are welcomed. (Help me become a better texture artist!)


  • doolally66
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    doolally66 polycounter lvl 2
    From what I can see of the mesh, the unwrap looks fairly solid. Might be worth looking at he thumbs a little. There's large polys at the base just before the main thumb begins . The angle looks quite sharp and might make the texture skew when you apply it.

    You could definitely use more of the UV space. If you rotate the bottom section 180 degrees, it might be possible to thread the fingers slightly. Then you can increase the scale of it all to fill the available space.
    Or, you could stitch the 2 together along either the pinky or thumb. Might need some rotating and rescaling etc of some areas, but it'll help with the seams.
  • 2Loud4u
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    2Loud4u polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the reply, doolally66. I'll apply your suggestions and post updates soon. Question: How should I go about resolving the issue with those large polys in the thumb? Should I manually move a portion of the selection into place or is there a faster and productive way?
  • doolally66
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    doolally66 polycounter lvl 2
    No worries, look forward to seeing how you get on.
    Regarding the thumb, because it's only a small detail it might only need a small rotation/movement in the UV space to make the edges more linear. However now that I look at it again, I may be wrong and it could be ok.
    I'd say use your own judgement, but you want the UV poly to be similar in shape and size to the 3d poly. Hopefully that makes sense!
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