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Marmoset Toolbag Normal problem

polycounter lvl 12
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Denuvyer polycounter lvl 12
Hello polycounters, I'm having a strange problem regarding how the normals are shown in Toolbag, I made the textures on Substance Painter and exported them to Toolbag, as you can see at the image the normal map behaves in a strange way, causing a hard color change that makes the seams too noticeable.

I tried changing the the tangent space, inverting the green channel and even changing the mesh normals, but nothing worked.

PS: This bad effect isn't happening on Unity, only on Toolbag.

It's there any solution to this?

Thanks :)^

Edit, I had sRGB and Scale & Bias unchecked. Now it's displaying properly. Sorry for my noobness :)


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