Does anyone have any suggestions about how to achieve a tiling mesh based on a sculpt where the model has undercuts and overhangs? Basically, I am looking to do tiling cliff faces and cave walls with surfaces much more intricate than what you could represent in a heightmap. I am also looking to be able to sculpt freely and not resort to jamming shapes together like this:
Hoping to use Zbrush and 3dsmax. Suggestions? The best I can think right now is to try and separate contiguous surfaces from mesh elemnent details. That is still somewhat limiting.
Like in this picture, there's defined areas where the textures change, and you can just vertex blend between them.The base mesh would still be your zbrush sculpt, and the tiling textures are now just tiling swatches pulled from each type of form change.
I'd simply like to be able to take a tiling mesh and tile it in an array that conforms to the quads of another mesh while welding the verts on each side. To me this seems like it would be a much more clean and intuitive way to model enviroments compared to the standard modularity method. I'd imagine there must be some program or plugin out there that would accomplish this but the closest thing I've seen is micromesh in Zbrush, which does not weld verts.
Making the low poly topology shouldn't be too bad. Just a bit of matching points at the border edges?