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So i'm trying model Teal'c from stargate...

polycounter lvl 8
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Gail_Blitzy polycounter lvl 8
Hello all :D

As I have some time I thought I'd try and improve my skills and make a life like bust of Teal'c from Stargate (this guy -->)


It is only a first pass and i am going to add pores and stuff, but i thought I'd just get a second pare of eyes on the proportions and such

Be Kind >__<


  • Gail_Blitzy
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    Gail_Blitzy polycounter lvl 8
    So i re-did the jaw as i thought that was where most of the issues where - but he's still not looking "Teal'c-y"

    Found a good brush to make short hair (eyebrows and such) - [ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGyy-t4GpCI[/ame]
  • Gail_Blitzy
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    Gail_Blitzy polycounter lvl 8
    Adding a bit more detail - working on making his crest better and I might try and make the face less symmetrical (as I've been using zbrush's symmetry tool)
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Christopher Judge's jawline is not that flat.


    Get a reference board created, and draw over the orthographics of your sculpt the anatomical adjustments you need to make. Right now, the lack of a reference being posted is concerning me.
  • arvinmoses
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    arvinmoses polycounter lvl 13
    1st - I love Teal'c! Was thinking about doing a reboot look one day, but haven't had a chance
    2nd - yes there are some huge anatomy issues, but nothing even some general reference can't fix imo
    3rd - this one is the most important - Despite the anatomy issues, you managed to capture the general look and likeness. I mean if you went up and told someone

    "Hey I'm sculpting Teal'c", I dont think people generally would say, "I don't see it" and this imo is one of the hardest thing when doing a known character or person.

    My suggestion is get a bit more basic understanding of the skull to get some of the harder structures in place. I think you're eye is seeing the right forms, you just may not be seeing the structure underneath.

    Lastly one thing that may help you is to retopo your mesh. I'm guessing right now you're using dynamesh. If you can get a cleaner mesh it might give you a little more control over your mesh.
  • cgBrad
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    cgBrad polycounter lvl 5
    I see the general Teal'c look (huge Stargate fan). One thing I notice in reference picture sis he has maybe an abnormally large forehead, like the top of his head bows out a bit more than you would expect, not sure if this is due to him possibly wearing some kind of skin cap to hide his hair.

    Just google Teal'c, and mash a bunch of photos together for reference, you will quickly notice he has a much more round and wider chin, smaller nose, larger lips, not such a pronounced bump on the top of his head, and numerous other things. It was a long series lots of reference images to work from.
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