I am curious to what attracts everyone to different games, such as do you play it because of characters? story? visual? etc. and what you think makes a game good.
I am a 3D artist going through college right now but i would love to start my own studio here in my city one day and just looking to see what people are attracted to.
Good games have all listed above and beyond.
I think there's huge market for just about everything 3d artists can make.
Dragons, checked.
Space dragons, checked.
Chibi dragons, checked.
Cars, checked.
Tanks, checked.
Medieval, checked.
Sci-fi powered armors, checked.
Raggedy guns, checked.
Futuristic guns, checked.
Buildings, checked.
Planes, checked.
Spaceships, checked.
Monsters and goblins, checked.
Boats and ships, checked.
Trees and Rocks, checked.
There's a lot of games that don't, which seem to only aspire to be time killers. You can pick these games out right away, they try to invest the player into the experience by wasting as much of their time as possible-- then giving you some paltry reward for doing so. The player then somehow interprets this as fun.
For me, stealth is about precision. You do the mission, no one gets hurt but the target, no one sees you and there's no trace you were there. I love the challenge of slowly working my approach down to a perfect run.
As for myself I enjoy games such as final fantasy, not just for the storyline, but I love the art work in the environment. Games that make me feel engulfed in the game is what I like.
Yea 3D artists can make just about anything
I very rarely play multiplayer games, especially not competitive ones. I have basically zero interest in winning or proving I'm better than somebody else, but I've always had a lot of fun in games that let me find and explore new things with someone. Guild Wars 2 comes to mind for this; I only ever set foot in the PvP maps to try and find all the hidden points of interest, but I regularly explored areas with friends in the PvE zones.
And of course I like games because of the art. In my opinion game art is the leading edge of the avant-garde. Due to game artists not working within traditional art frameworks the styles, and subject matter, created for games are more innovative and interesting than most other art forms available today.
Achiever - wants do complete things , play to win , collect , do things
Explorer - experiment with different things, explore environments, skill combinations , find things out
Killer - Plays for dominance and display of such, goes with optimal strategies , being better is the most important
Socializer - plays to be with friends, chat , manage guilds etc
Trader - economy based, buying, selling, calculating, gaining currency
Swizzle's answer reads like a textbook excercise ; )
Im mostly explorer and around equally achiever and killer , I like to experiment a lot and want a lot of content , at best in PVP games. Dota2 is currently my main game, but I enjoy FPS, Mobas in general and a bit of RTS and TD mainly with some single player things in between, but I can't committ to long RPGs.
Edit: playertypes change usually often with interests
Do you think this player type thing really works? I mean, when you think about it, you might be a hardcore Achiever in one game, but in another you are real Explorer. In some - you combine all player types without one dominating over the others. Or you can even be a Killer during one period of your life and then switch to a Trader.
Some examples.
I have played quite a bit of WoW and really enjoyed playing to win in PvP and dominate over others. (Achiever, Killer)
At some point I got bored and just started trading in the Auction, researching game economy, buying and selling things, growing my gold bank. Spent like 8 months doing only trading. (Trader)
Now I play Destiny and don't give a crap about PvP, instead I am having fun with friends and just enjoying scenery. (Socializer, Explorer)
I also play DA: Inquisition and some days I can just slow down and literally walk from one quest towards another, enjoying the view, looking for hidden gens (Explorer).
Or probably now I am simply too old for that shit (PvP and such).
Also visual novels for the same reason.
I just really love painting like game art, probably cause I haven't had time to make any major models lately -_-
That's literally all I'm into right now.
In my case, storyline is one of the most important thing in games, after that is gameplay - graphic really depends on chosen style. I also play games checking every corner to find out how things were created.
I entered Soul Sacrifice delta because it looked pretty fun. Gameplay got a bit repetitive but that damn story and the nice visuals held me and wouldn't let go.
I love games.
once I have some solid ideas that people are sold on I will then work on starting my studio and getting people together to make these ideas come to life
I would love to keep everyone updated as I pursue my dream and hope you all enjoy what I produce
Playertypes definitely change and thats different for each person.
Generally I assume they are always the same at one certain point and do not change per game, but that you may play one game to fill that one interest not sated by the other game. Some people do not change a lot, some people switch their interests often and anything in between
WoW is great as it has tons of stuff for every playertype.
when I was a teenager accomplishment and mastery was also important. But these days I have no time for mastery, due to job, family, etc. Accomplishment is still important, but I require a lower hurdle - i.e. casual games - I just don't have as much time to spend on games as I used to back then. Games which require massive amounts of time to master offer little reward these days because I can't make any progress any more.
- Art attracts me to a game. (including audio in that)
- Story/character development keep me interested in a game.
- Gameplay keeps me engaged in a game.
if any one of those is bad, chances are I won't last long.
I enjoy all sorts of games but tend to be most taken by well crafted 3rd person, single player, exploration/adventure/action games with interesting and well developed story/characters.
"Winning", competition, socialising, grinding and collecting loot really don't interest me that much.
Yea a good soundtrack can really make a game that much more interesting to play.
Even if it is a bad game, if the soundtrack is good then you can atleast listen to it haha
you shouldn't care what other people like, you should make game that you yourself are interested in.
shrikes categories are pretty badly defined also. killer and achiever is the same basically. and what is my category if i play games only to immerse myself in a story?
Games like Telltale Games' TWD series, and Dontnod Entertainment's Life is Strange are recently popular games to be good examples.
Same goes with the movies, but games are obviously more immersive.
other then that it's how polished it all feels. crazy humor is a bonus.
if i want story or cinematic feel, i go watch a movie.
This man knows games
So Sacred3 is on you? :P
And all that has to do with it.
They were truly art-house games. I was in love with Alyx Vance
Then games silently turned into work routine.
They were truly art-house games. I was in love with Alyx Vance
Then games silently turned into work routine.
MMORPG: I'm a huge fan because i loved the immersion, how deep the world can be, I loved how easy it was to have a family within a guild, how you could made your character fit into that world (Rp) face challenge with hardcore pve or have fun at pvp, relax while farming or crafting, it's sad that those years mmo aren't like that anymore.
Competitive game ( moba, fps, stuff like that): Well because of the competition mostly, playing against other person is really fun and challenging.
Single player: The world, the story, the character, I'm a sucker for jrpg. I also enjoy a good boss battle hardcore challenge.
in overall i would say i really loved deep and great world design.