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maya expression FX

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Hito interpolator
attempting to do some FX via maya expression.

found the following that does exactly what I'm looking for
locator10.translateX = `getAttr -t (frame -1) locator5.tx`;
locator10.translateY = `getAttr -t (frame -1) locator5.ty`;
locator10.translateZ = `getAttr -t (frame -1) locator5.tz`;

I'd like to modify this such that
1. just one expression, instead of one per locator. the expression would grab the translate attributes from source object and apply it to the object the expression is applied to... in the above case, locator10 should be a variable. I just don't know the syntax for it.

2. the amount of delay is pulled from an custom attribute on the locator itself. (frame -$delay) instead of (frame -1)... or something like it.

basically locator10, locator5, and (frame #) needs to be variables. whats the proper maya expression syntax for it?

or maybe there's easier way with point constraint with a delay value?
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