No thread on this?
Who's playing this amazingly hilarious and FUN game? I usually HATE pvp style games, but holy crap this is fun. Been playing at work on my lunches the past few days. Even started in on ranked matches (both 1v1 and 2v2).
Here is one of the best worst goals ive seen (not from my game). haha. too fun.
(game is currently free on psn for PS+ users, i think)
Side note: I also tried the split screen, with my daughter, then joined a match, with friends, and it was cool, playing with my daughter (locally), and friends (online), at the same time.
I still have not 'mastered' it, but I have played enough, to have everything unlocked now. Me, and my friends, are attempting to take breaks from it, so we don't suffer from burnout, but it's so good, we keep loading it anyway.
Makes me wanna squeal happy tears.
I wonder. Do you guys plan on adding more levels that arent just a square? Maybe ones that have a pillar in the middle to fuck with you and the ball. Or a bumpy map or stuff like that? I think i read somewhere you guys said no to powerups somewhere? Which I hope is true, because the lack of powerups actually makes it feel like an even playing field.
Would just be fun to see different shapes for maps.
so much fun
i just hope they will add self hosted games and LAN
@erich: well done! now work on the damn lag and servers
such a simple concept done well. Easy to pick up and play, difficult to master. And If you want to see a master playing it, look up kronovi. He does some crazy shit!
Love 1v1. Its suprisingly tactical.
if anyone fancies a game i'm stinger88 on steam. And if any studios fancy taking our studio on that'd also be cool. Maybe even a polycount tourament could be arranged.....
But while i'm on. I've been thinking that it'd be awesome if there was a community competition to create content for the game. New cars, wheels, hats, maps, etc...
The game is getting more maps to add variety. I believe the first maps is called Utopia which is base on a circular map from the first game. I'm hoping we'll get more crazy maps and some different game modes (Low gravity, infinite boost, small ball, 1v1v1v1 with 4 goals, etc)
2 New cars and at least 1 map is coming in the first DLC, here's a sneak peak at one of the car:
oh and btw. this is how the game looks when pros play it.
Thank you for any help or pointers. I think it is all mesh (with LOD) but wireframe would tell me the most.
Probably some kind of grass shader... ErichWK might be able to help.
Really amazing game, And the fact that it has splitscreen is amazing. Haven't played splitscreen in years, especially not on a PC, and especially not online!
Love this game
As far as lag on the servers..well. Everything is dedicated and we have like a 150,000 players playing at the servers tend to get at max CPU usage I think (I am just a stupid artist so i might be wrong). Our team is constantly working to try to get things so just be patient, we seriously read every forum/blog/tweet post and try to address as much as we can.
As far as other shaped maps, we have had a lot of fans asking for we might have some fun! The first map Free DLC we are dropping is a regulation court, but after that who knows! If enough people ask for stuff, chances are we will consider it. It just takes time making maps because we don't half ass anything on the art side. I mean, look at Nosgoth. We are a tiny art team but really put as much effort into everything as we can.
Also our concept artist, Jay did all the cars. he rules so check him out.
As far as the grass..that was our Tech Artist Ben. He is a mad scientist. It's all done in the UE3 shader and I have zero idea how he went about it, but it is beer friday so maybe I will try to ask and have it go all over my head. I just Zbrush all day at work and no basic Material stuff.
What?!?! Fer Real?!
As far as custom maps, no plans now.
Yeah man, it was everywhere!
Erich, any plans for custom car bodies? I'd love to make my own.
but if you quit 1v1, will you be banned as well? the other person wins and can move on, so its not THAT big of a deal if they leave. they dont leave a partner in a 2v1 game. Maybe just add a massive rank penalty? Then again, people could abuse that to stay low and destroy noobs.
It sounds to me like either side will vote to forfeit. So in a 1v1 you wouldn't quit, you'd just forfeit and not get punished.
I'm disappointed that the new map is "regulation" and the fact that any "unique" maps might only have a bump in the middle or something small. I want circular maps with the goals back to back in the middle of the pitch or something. I hope that comes one day, as I hope the modifiers do as well.
I REALLY think the devs should be talking to polycount about getting some community content in the game. The Next PC competition!...lets hope its in the works.
But yes. I definitely want different shaped maps. A pillar down the middle of the map that you can drive up as well. or even just the square map, but the nets are 1 net height higher, so you have to do an air shot to get it in. no more slow rolls in and such.
But I do like the idea of the small bumps and stuff as well. I think those would be fun, even if it was such a small change. Changes things drastically.
Ya, This would be great for community content or as a project, I can talk to the team and see what the say. Things are kind of hectic currently, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't down the road. As far as quitting, you will be able to forfeit so you won't be punished. Trust, there are many times I wish I had a forfeit button.
0:45 they show the new map. same map layout, but the background is different. outdoor arena type
-Good Game, or just GG (end of the game)
-Good matchup! (for when the game is super close and our skill levels are equal)
-You're welcome (for when i do a self goal, or when they say thanks)
-Bad Luck (for those real shitty start goals in 1v1)
I think there are plenty of customization options, though more is always welcomed. I do like the idea of having a car for blue, and a car for red.
One thing that I would REALLY like, is to keep my configuration, on each vehicle. So, if I customize the van, then customize a car, my van won't lose it's colors/options configuration.
+1. Would love to have better quick chat options.
"GG" and "well played"
are a few i'd like to see. I'd also like to see one of the D pad directions having quotes I can define and have custom text strings. Things like:
"Stop chasing the ball mindlessly"
"aaand... Ragequit!"
"Stop typing and play the game..."
"great... another AFK player"
Can we please please please get those older maps!? They look so fun!