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Small Propwork

polycounter lvl 6
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Sullum97 polycounter lvl 6
Here's some small propwork I am doing currently for an indie game.


  • WarrenM
    The second and third screenshots would be more useful if they were wireframes or texture flats or something. As it stands, they are all basically the same shot. :)

    Also, some better lighting would show off your work more effectively.

    In terms of crits, these are a solid start but they are lacking any sort of character or feeling. The concrete barrier, in particular, is just a planar mapped concrete texture with no sense of the prop that it's sitting on. Some local damage, or weathering, or spray painted words or SOMETHING would set it off a little and give it a more "lived in" feeling.

    Does that make sense?

    EDIT : Now that I blew them up, I see some DO have wires on them. But you can't tell that with the wires being dark blue.
  • Sullum97
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    Sullum97 polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the feedback I appreciate the detail!
  • clinington
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    clinington polycounter lvl 10
    I agree with WarrenM. What you have is a great start but could definitely do with some more grime/dirt/damage. Also, those wires are really hard to see!
  • Sullum97
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    Sullum97 polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the great feedback guys I'll be sure to adjust it and make it better. It's really just what the client wanted. For portfolio purposes I definitely should dial things in more. Thanks again it'll make these much better! Cheers#
  • Sullum97
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    Sullum97 polycounter lvl 6
    Some additional work. Haven't got to make the changes yet because this is strictly what the client asked for but once it's handed off I'll make some changes such as add graffiti, and logos to the containers and things like that. But for now here's what I got!
  • WarrenM
    Not sure if this is again what the client wanted, but that storage container is giving me the sense that it's made of concrete, not painted metal.
  • Sullum97
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    Sullum97 polycounter lvl 6
    Is it both that are that way or the blue one? I can see how it can appear to be concrete, I felt the rust stains would offset a bit of that. Might be my lighting partially as well as material definition. I can give it a second pass and push the metalness values and roughness values, I definitely lowered them so I can see what you're saying. Thanks for the critique!
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    Taking out the even noise bump in the normal map might help.
  • 3dReaper
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    3dReaper polycounter lvl 4
    On top of what others said, the shipping containers look very small in comparison to the barrels.

    Proportion seems off.
  • Sullum97
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    Sullum97 polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks guy's I'll fix all those things today! Cheers!
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