Has anyone else been able to use DDO and Photoshop CC 2015 with a metallic workflow? I have not been able to get DDO to work for metallic materials.
The problem is that the pattern overlay layer style is not being set correctly, or at all in some cases. I've been able to get a single material/smart material to add in correctly, but after that no other layer style if it has a pattern overlay is applied to any of the maps.
Curiously, specular setups work just fine.
Is this a known issue, or perhaps related to the recent changes in PS's layer styles?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
This only started happening after the PS 2015 update. There is also another interesting symptom, if I select the layer for that material that should have layer style and a pattern overlay and manually add a layer style it gives what looks like one of the last setting that DDO tried to put on the layer. I'm going to take some screenshots and put together some steps to repo this problem.
I have a team of 6 all with Quixel 1.8 + Patches and PS CC 2015, and everyone is experiencing this problem currently.
Step one: create a project:
Now I've got a clean project:
I add in a material or smart material:
The asset looks fine, everything seems to be working:
Now if I try to add any other material:
Something goes wrong and layer patterns stop being added:
Try adding another material:
Doesn't add in any new patterns(even though the layer style is present):
When opening up the layer style this happens:
I'm pretty sure that's not the right pattern for this map.
-Input maps: id, normal map, ambient occlusion, object space
-Click generate
-add smart mat... mask turns out as expected
-Add another smart mat... masking is bad
photo hosting
-I went with the unity5 specularity workflow.
-Made my materials like normal
-Then I added the Metallic and albedo(metalness) maps.
-Then I deleted the spec and albedo (wouldn't export correctly before this step).
Not optimal but gets me back on track to the 50+ items I need to make.
I've ended up abandoning metalness altogether and I'm only using specular now.