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Beast Lab - 2 Day Workshop in Seattle, WA

Use the code creaturefood at checkout, to get a 20% discount on your ticket. Discount code is only good for 5 uses before it expires! Use it before it's gone!

Hey everyone! Just thought I would share this here for everyone to see.

There will be a 2 day workshop with 2 amazing artists, Kurt Papstein, Portfolio and Paul Richards, Portfolio!

If you are in the Seattle area, and want to learn from two awesome artists grab a ticket while you can!

Details for the workshop can be found here: http://sketchfoundry.com/beastlab/

Any updates on the event will be posted at the SketchFoundry Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sketchfoundry/


  • dkoreo
    Offline / Send Message
    Price of tickets have been lowered to a more affordable price! Don't miss out on this opportunity if you are in the Seattle area, to learn from two awesome artists!

    Details can be found here: http://sketchfoundry.com/beastlab/d9AFkVP.jpg

    Course Description
    1/3 observation
    1/3 presentation
    1/3 demonstration

    Day 1: Paul Richards
    After a summary of our inspirations and goals as creature designers, we'll work on keening our sight and thought processes, pointing the way to new discoveries and interpretations.
    Group exercises will be employed to pinpoint specific designs and spur on-the-fly thinking, with personal anecdotes and technical drawing pointers liberally interspersed.
    Logic and anatomical fact will be balanced by imagination and abstraction as we analyze iconic lifeforms and give rise to new ones.

    To bring :
    -sketchbook (or any flat surface to draw on your lap)

    Day 2: Kurt Papstein
    Putting creature design into context and building our toolbox for storytelling and design. Analyzing nature's rules, and how evolution has built a blueprint for creative design. Moving forward we will discuss building our artistic toolbox and the different roads we can go down when it comes to form vs function.
    Knowing the rules and having the right mindset, we will continue the day with live sculpting and group interaction. The best way to understand these lessons is to put them into practice. Using ZBrush we will explore designs, form, and details.

    Please Bring:
    - sketchbook (for taking notes or drawing along)
    - drawing tools

    - laptop
    - wacom tablet
    - ZBrush
  • dkoreo
    Offline / Send Message
    Only a few days left to get a ticket! Tickets are only $160. Details about the event can be found in the above posts! Don't miss out on this chance to learn from 2 great artists!

    To buy a ticket go to: http://sketchfoundry.com/beastlab/
  • dkoreo
    Offline / Send Message
    Use the code creaturefood at checkout, to get a 20% discount on your ticket. Discount code is only good for 5 uses before it expires! Use it before it's gone!

    Details can be found here: http://sketchfoundry.com/beastlab/

    Also the posts above have the outline for the event.
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