Good day,
Me and a friend of mine own a little firm called SurvivorGames. We recently released a game on google play called "Steam Jumper", a 3d platformer, and we would appreciate any kind of feedback in terms of graphics, gameplay and UI.
Here is the link to google play :
Thanks in advance !
The screenshots here are the same as on the playstore, which contains 2 screenshots???
I really have no idea what kind of game this is and the screenshots aren't helping at all.
Graphic wise, this game feels like it got rushed and that you guys barrely put any effort in the graphics. The background uses a tileable brick image, which doesnt make any sense to me?
Also the size of the bricks are way to off.
What is the main goal of this game / app?
Do you guys want to be a app developer that blends away with the other billion apps on the app store or do you want be known as a unique developer that creates unique and interesting games?
perhaps you can show us a ingame video and actually explain what kind of gameplay you have implemented.
I'm sorry but the graphics looks really terrible. Did you guys used to make art or improvise on it ? Need a real artist to handle the dress up of your game.
1) The tileable background looks quite flat, its fairly boring. Its going to be one of the main areas that is looked at so it should be polished as much as possible.
2) I think you need to outline a proper theme for this game. I can't seem to see any kind of theme in your scene at the moment, you have some kind of Aztec warrior and a steampunky robot. I don't really understand what the background is supposed to be, it just looks like some random things placed on a wall.
3) The platforms are very repetitive, adding some differing sizes of platforms and some interesting shapes would make it look much more appealing.
4) The props have barely any detail, I think you could push the textures a lot further. At the moment they are basically just blocks of colour with some images on top.
It seems like you are going for a steampunk theme, I think you should really try and express this more.
If you went further with the steampunk theme it could be quite interesting visually. You have the cogs on the front page but from the screenshots it doesn't seem like you continued them.
I just wanted to show what kind of things you could do fairly quickly. Obviously this does not have a background or anything, but that could incorporate more of the steampunk style. The background doesn't need to be right up against the platforms, I guess there could be some more layers of props and things instead of just a wall.