Sometimes out of nowhere, some of my objects turn black on the default renderer. Anyone have any ideas of why this happens and steps that I can take to solve this issue?
Your normals might be facing the wrong direction (maya thinks your object is backwards).
Select your model, then go to Normals -> Invert Normals (in the Polygon menu set).
For Maya 2016, the option is Mesh Display -> Reverse.
@jose.fuentes: You can check your face normals by selecting an object and either Display -> Polygons -> Face Normals or going into Attribute Editor, picking Mesh Component Display and checking Display Normals.
You need to reverse the normals of all the faces with green lines not facing out.
Negative object scale. Freeze transformations so your scale values are 1, 1, 1. If you choose in your viewport menu View > Backface Culling and your mesh disappears, then it most definitely has flipped normals.
Bad vertex normals. Sometimes happens if you import models. With the windshield selected, try Mesh Display > Unlock Normals
A black material on your mesh. Make sure your material's color is not set to black.
A material on your mesh with a missing texture file. Make sure the material's texture file path is correct.
Buggy mesh properties. Try combining this mesh with another object (like a cube or something).
I got the answer look for a color node in the channel box construcion history of your mesh and select it go to edit > delete node and your object will take some vibrant color all you have to do now is assing the material again
I have problem like this, fix this - change camera attrubites near clip plane and far clip plane, value it is very big , little bit down this attributes
Thread is super old, but figured I'd post in case someone else has this problem and ends up here, like I did. I opened an old model that I hadn't touched in years and had one part of my model appearing super dark (like OP), however, still somewhat being affected by default lighting.
Apparently I accidentally locked the normals at some point which caused this, solution for me was simply Normals->Unlock Normals (Maya 2012)
Thanks for replying on a dead thread @Dennijr! That actually turned out to be my issue too. When I extruded in a negative direction it remained black even after reversing normals. I hadn't seen that Unlock Normals button before. So cheers for that
assign a fresh material to it?
Select your model, then go to Normals -> Invert Normals (in the Polygon menu set).
For Maya 2016, the option is Mesh Display -> Reverse.
@jose.fuentes: You can check your face normals by selecting an object and either Display -> Polygons -> Face Normals or going into Attribute Editor, picking Mesh Component Display and checking Display Normals.
You need to reverse the normals of all the faces with green lines not facing out.
View > Select Camera
Near Clip should be as high as possible, Far Clip should be as low as possible.
I opened an old model that I hadn't touched in years and had one part of my model appearing super dark (like OP), however, still somewhat being affected by default lighting.
Apparently I accidentally locked the normals at some point which caused this, solution for me was simply Normals->Unlock Normals (Maya 2012)