Hey guys i didnt know where to post this so here it is.
My question is if you know of any tutorials, etc of how people do that Riot style texturing, where you from sculpt go into diffuse, all my tries were as far from Riots results as it gets you can check these
Me, i like them, but they are so far from Riot and im unable to properly recreate the pipeline, i tried it all, baking all maps, spliting channels, using all kinds of blend modes, nothing produces that pleasantful subtle semipainted style, so can anyone guide me where to look for info?
ib4 didnt search - i searched
what? they sculpt every character. why even do that you do not use the data?
from what i saw they bake and then handpaint over those
can you show me where you saw that?
Its mostly based on sculpts from what I've seen & heard..and when I visited the offices and toured the character pit.
Its easier and usually better to make the volumes and then bake down + paintover than to paint from scratch.
Hell, I'm working on a strategy game, and I sculpt --> bake for a good 75% of what I do.
Can you share your pipeline?
Thank you very much! Im still struggling with coloring it. If anyone has any tips on how to color after you gathered all maps, share please!
Some people just go right to painting over the top of the bakes, sort of like tracing if you will.
There is also a gradient map method to establish some colors, seen here: