Hey all, I know this sort of thing comes up a lot, but this problem has been getting the better of me. I'm mirroring UVs to save texture space and a little error has popped up.
In a nutshell:
1. I've offset all my mirrored UVs (+1 in the U direction),
2. Set up my smoothing groups (same smoothing group on both sides)
3. Reset the xform
4. Baked
5. Exported the mesh as an FBX
I tried inverting the green channel and it's still there.
Additionally, does anyone know why I'm getting these speckles on my bake? They're all over the rest of my model too.
Problems :poly142:
What does the normal map look like in that area?
Do you have a duplicate or overlapping face there in the model?
For the random pixels issue, I've only seen this when baking from one UV layout to another. But might give you some ideas... http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Texture_Baking#Solving_Pixel_Artifacts
However, I think I found my problem I'm not quite sure how I missed this one :poly141: but I tend to triangulate my models before baking them. Usually Max triangulates everything as it should be.
I didn't get reading on the wiki page yet, I'll post up if I resolve it.