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Sketchbook: neil_w2

polycounter lvl 8
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neil_w2 polycounter lvl 8

Another Co-Worker i don't know why he wanted to look like Michelangelo cathedral ceiling painting, maybe its some sort of ego type thing who knows (is it Michelangelo or Raphael I'm so bad at history)

I probably spent way too much time on this one. I'm not happy with the way it turned out i guess it's alright but quality compared to time just doesn't translate. should be able to do something like this in maybe ... 3 or 4 hours ... I'd love it if i could do something like this in maybe 1 or 2 hours then id be on fire. supposedly you could make a living just doing this ... but I'm not quite that good yet ... who knows if i ever will be. there are sooo many different art projects that i want to work on and then there's managing life in general. being disciplined means saying "no" to many other things or so I've been told. most people focus on maybe one or two things, that has always been an issue for me could never figure out what i wanted to focus on. I'm like a kid with some sort of ADHD condition or something XD

PS The Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted by Michelangelo is what I'm thinking about. ah, so this is what sketch books are for. they're kinda like posting on deviant art ... but in a forum instead
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