Im tryign to have a round section cut out of a cylinder and I was wondering how i could sharpen the edge around it without causing massive deformations!! :poly142:
Remove the outside edge loop for starters. The corner poly is a triangle, follow what I mentioned first, that should turn that into a quad, then post an update.
From right to left.
- Start with blocking out the slope and general shape of the door.
- Select the top edge of the door and extrude down. Use scale tool and squeeze it in Y direction so it's flat. Use "v" key and snap it to the same level as the bottom vertices. Merge the vertices on the corners.
- Select the same top edge again and bevel with 2 segments (so you get 3 lines).
Right to left again. Use append polygon tool to fill the bottom and use Multi Cut tools to properly... cut it. Select the 2 bottom edges on the side and move down a bit, making room for the loop to continue from above.
- Extrude the bottom of the door down to complete the loop. Then select all edges along bottom edge and extrude down.
- Now add more edge loop to help the bottom corner of the door hold it's shape when you smooth. Notice how I space out the edges on the outter rim a bit so it won't create any hard edge on the wall.
Here's what it looks like with 3 preview
Now the column shouldn't be a problem right? It's just extruding with some edge to hold the corner.
Ha, I guessed it was a Pip-Boy before I scrolled down to the last image
nice one!
Haha nice, i guess you have to have played the game to knpw xD you reckon I should make another thread for this? as this is more of a hard surface help thread?
From right to left.
- Start with blocking out the slope and general shape of the door.
- Select the top edge of the door and extrude down. Use scale tool and squeeze it in Y direction so it's flat. Use "v" key and snap it to the same level as the bottom vertices. Merge the vertices on the corners.
- Select the same top edge again and bevel with 2 segments (so you get 3 lines).
Right to left again. Use append polygon tool to fill the bottom and use Multi Cut tools to properly... cut it. Select the 2 bottom edges on the side and move down a bit, making room for the loop to continue from above.
- Extrude the bottom of the door down to complete the loop. Then select all edges along bottom edge and extrude down.
- Now add more edge loop to help the bottom corner of the door hold it's shape when you smooth. Notice how I space out the edges on the outter rim a bit so it won't create any hard edge on the wall.
Here's what it looks like with 3 preview
Now the column shouldn't be a problem right? It's just extruding with some edge to hold the corner.
Great stuff
nice one!
Haha nice, i guess you have to have played the game to knpw xD you reckon I should make another thread for this? as this is more of a hard surface help thread?