Hey guys I have a couple of these on other sites, so I figured I'd start one here too. Usually after work I tend to still be wound up and can't really sleep so I try and sketch a bit, some tend to be an hour sketch from a sphere (which I then pop on my youtube channel) and some are just sketches that I'll keep touching up that have no end in site. This stuff will be mostly play and rough projects that I dabble in here and there. Most of this stuff will be posted at 2-4 AM as its just to help me sleep.
Anywho enough babble, I just I'll start with a sketch I did over two nights, a Popeye sketch. It was more of something with playful anatomy that I could have fun with.

we will see where this goes...
The rest of the model it's looking good.
if anything i'd try to make that contrast even more extreme
Some crits:
the hands and lower arms make no sense from an anatomical perspective even if you keep stylistic proportions in mind. The model would gain allot of believability if you would tone those down considerably.
the belly is too symmetrical and a bit too flat to allow for the "sagging" you have going on. It still surprises me how often six packs are drawn / sculpted in an assyemtric fashion. Try looking up some photos of older men and look at their assymetrical muscles ( this sounds so wrong ha ).
also, try playing with some scars! Will make him even more badass and not completely out of context for popeye!
Took model off of marmoset viewer until I understand it better.
haha, I was actually just about to type the same thing, I agree completely. especially the upper part of the leg. if you make those thinner you will kind of echo the same shape o the arms, of course not as much though.
also Im finding the hat a bit dirty/noise, its hard to distinguish the emblem and the color from the dirt.
Rendered in Marmoset, 2k textures for the body and face. I wanted to finish up the realtime WIP model posted a while back. Used Substance Painter for the texturing.
Created a toy to test out my printer, figured I put it out there for people to have:

threw this guy up on sketchfab
I'll be uploading a few more as we go as well as the Xcom work I did. follow along at https://www.artstation.com/framedworld
Love your work by the way! I'm a big fan of the caricature art style of the Civ VI leaders!