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Enarion polycounter lvl 5
Hey guys,

I have been working with the SUITE as of late and it seems to become more and more unstable for me. Seemingly random crashes, corrupt save files which later seem to be empty and other minor things. I can however work around those but I have some things I don't understand.

First of all:

The program seems to crash when I try to save a custom material and it gives this error message. My save file is now corrupt and 3DO doesnt even load anymore in this file.


As you can see this isvery werid, it seems like a reflection of the arm on the body? The reflection stays when I apply a material to color ID and shows through the texture. You can also see this under the helmet.


The hand, although it does have a proper color ID, seems black when holding C in 3DO. I have this problem in multiple files on diffrent parts. Sometimes it becomes chrome and wont show any textures in 3DO.

I hope you guys can help, I really want to finish this character using the program but I have been working on it for hours the last few days without any results...



  • Eric Ramberg
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    Hi Enarion!

    Sorry to hear about your troubles, lets see if we can sort them out!

    When the program does not want to save smart materials it´s usually because of an unsupported character in the path, and since the program by default saves materials to c:/users/your username/...
    If you have a user name with characters that are not alphanumerical that can cause issues. Also if you chose a directory that contains unsupported characters. Could this be the case for you?

    The reflection issue could be due to corrupt input maps or possibly a pathname with unsupported characters as well, but most likely it has something to do with the inputs, would it be possible for you to send me the project so I can take a look?
  • Enarion
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    Enarion polycounter lvl 5
    Hey Eric,

    Sorry for the late reply. I have a complicated input path (Folder into folder into folder) But nothing with weird characters. just letters and numbers and the occasional underscore.

    Sure I can send the file and the input maps. What is the best way to get these to you?

  • Eric Ramberg
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    Enarioun would you be willing to try to just create a project in d:/test/ or something similar just to see if it changes anything?
  • Enarion
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    Enarion polycounter lvl 5
    Sure I will try that today. Let me get back to you.

    Edit: Oke making a new project in a clean folder does not change anything.
  • Eric Ramberg
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    Hmm OK! Send me the files, upload them using dropbox or something similar and then PM me the link!
  • Enarion
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    Enarion polycounter lvl 5
    Oke will do

    Thanks in advance.
  • Eric Ramberg
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    I took a look at the files, there is something wrong in either the obj-file itself and/or the input maps.
    What happens is the suite thinks that the arm should be on the body as well, maybe due to UV-mapping, not sure. If you go in to the "Normal" tab and delete "Texture base" you see that the problem goes away, unfortunately so does the normal map information. My suggestion is to go through this guide: http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=inputmaps

    just check so that everything looks good! I can check the obj file a little later as I don´t have a 3d application on the current machine, but I will get back to you after I´ve checked!
  • Billy Lundevall
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    Billy Lundevall polycounter lvl 7
    I have checked out your files. The problem here is simply with your maps. All of them have the arm projected through the leg twice, under the helmet twice, on the neck twice and also in his crotch, flipped as well as numerous other problems.

    I don't know how you baked the maps, but something is very, very wrong here. I suggest you bake your maps in something like Xnormal which is both free and produces better results then many other applications do in less time.
  • Enarion
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    Enarion polycounter lvl 5
    Hey guys,

    Thanks for the replys. This is really weird since this is baked in Xnormal.. Im going to check it out and try to rebake the maps and see what is up with the mesh.

  • Eric Ramberg
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    Keep us posted!
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