Hi all,
I create most of my assets in Rhino before converting them to meshes and exporting to 3ds Max. This process creates lots of triangles and the topology isn't particularly clean, which I believe makes exporting out to UE4 a bit more problematic.
I wanted to ask if someone would take the time to show me how they would approach the mesh in the picture - I wanted to attach the .max and /fbx file to this email but wasn't able to - can someone tell me how I can attach it to this post or I could email it if someone wishes to have a look. - it's just a simple path created in Rhino. It would need light UVs/texture UVs and to have a collision channel. It would really be appreciated if someone could help or advise as at the moment I have a bit of a mental block on exporting from 3ds Max and haven't had much success so far.
Thank you
I did find the below paragraph which was very useful, looks like it can be done in a much cleaner way.
'I've played around with Rhino and making static meshes today, and if you have 3DS Max as well... they team up really well. You can just make yer NURBS in Rhino, easily and awesome, and then export it using the IGES file format. Max can import that, and it supports NURBS! So then you'll have Rhino-made NURBS in Max, which you can then UV Map is neccesary, or play with the Surface settings of the NURBS object instead. You can then use the automatic NURBS tesselation to generate a balanced number of polygons (doesn't have to be base 8 or anything), and then you just apply texture. You don't even have to collapse the tree or convert to Editable Mesh when exporting, from what I've noticed.'