I've not been using Quixel Suite that long, but after following tutorials, building a test/simple object and getting some very strange results, a friend convinced me to seek help, since I've pretty much given up on the program.
Here it goes:
I'm using Photoshop CC 2014 --

1) I created a test object and baked out textures:

2) Launch Quixel (64bit) and import all my assets:

3) I then click on the links button in the ID map texture slot and select ANY 2 materials (yeah I know, the other colors are garbage)

4) Click
Done on the Link Editor and then
"Create Base" on the Base Creator
5) Wait a minute and then (big WTH moment):

What am I doing wrong?
Next issue:
1)After going through the process, I add smart materials manually and when I try to add one of your presets the preview is
TOO shinny, even though the materials I chose are GRAPHITE AND CEMENT.

Last issue: I could have sworn that I had a CARBON FIBER preset

Thanks in Advance for any help you can lend,
Fist of all all your color ID map is not optimal, it has soft edges which doesn´t work with DDO. Also the background should be black. You can read more about input maps here
The shinyness you describe is usually due to issues with the normals or the mesh itself, I would suggest that you download one of the sample projects from here
And see if you have the same issues with these, so we can narrow the issue down to software or input. Thank you!