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Retopology for the masters

So in an effort to speed up my workflow. I have really started asking this question to myself much more. But I feel I spend more time retopologizing then I do actually making the model. So I ask whats the fastest workflow to retopologize a complex organic model. Also write in to justify why you think its the fastest workflow.


  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I for a character I might use a combination of zremesher, maya and 3dcoat. Zremesher for a basic starting point to model from, maya for any hard surfaces. 3dcoat for those awkward hard to reach organics where edge flow is important eg hands/fingers, armpits etc. I still need to try using the maya tools more but they didnt seem as easy to use as 3dcoat last time I looked.
  • ghib
  • WarrenM
  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    I like Maya built in tool, also like and use TopOGun, which is I think dead. I also used a few custom retopo tools.
  • dmj
    Blender, Modo, and Maya are all roughly equal in terms of speed and features, in my experience.
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    a combination of autoretopo in mudbox or zbrush and handwork in maya...
  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    froRetopo ? :poly142:
    Aka Topogun in Maya : http://www.froyok.fr/blog/2013-06-maya-froretopo-3-4-a-fast-and-easy-retopology-script

    I really liked the vertex based workflow in the first version of topogun (I didn't try topogun 2) but always preferred to work in Maya (since you have access to so much more tools... and obviously UV tools at the same time). So I made my own script/plugin.

    Also the idea was to be able to work with only one tool and not having to switch between multiple ones to merge or extrude. This make the tool a bit complicated at first, but very quick to work with in the end.

    I know some of my friends prefer the 3D Coat workflow because it's more focused on face creations rather than vertex. Personally I prefer working with vertex as I find it more efficient and practical to control you polycount and flow of polygons.

    (It's free, so I'm not selling it, just sharing why I made it. Also it has some bugs, heh.)
  • Farfarer
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    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
  • BeachBum
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    BeachBum polycounter lvl 4
    When using the Quad Draw tool in Maya, is there a way to offset the vertices from the reference mesh?

    I know Max has this function. I would assume Maya would too.
  • montana2008
    Hey beachbum..i would like to offset the vertices to..did you find away..its driving me mad.
  • Octo
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    Octo polycounter lvl 18
    I like to use all my regular modeling tools that I have shortcuts and everything for, all I need is the projection to another mesh with an offset.
    I don't like those custom "retopo" tools with alt, ctrl and shift combinations for actions I already use for modeling like they have made in Max and Maya.
    So I voted Wrapit, which unfortunately isn't available anymore.
  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    I think it would be wise to make a more detailed poll distinguishing hard surface objects from organic ones (and possibly environmental assets). As of now its really hard to tell what is used for what and why it is actually used.
  • VisceralD
    I have the most trouble with organic hard surface mixes
  • WarrenM
    dmj wrote: »
    Blender, Modo, and Maya are all roughly equal in terms of speed and features, in my experience.

  • Amsterdam Hilton Hotel
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    Amsterdam Hilton Hotel insane polycounter
    I think it would be wise to make a more detailed poll distinguishing hard surface objects from organic ones (and possibly environmental assets).
    I think that's a good point.

    At the risk of being too general I would argue that fast hardsurface is all about pretopology, not retopology. The fastest way to achieve a good hardsurface HP is to model with procedural functions, not by hand (compared to sculpting a character). Procedural functions work off of more primitive meshes, which can often be converted directly into the lowpoly. The retopo step (highpoly > lowpoly) should be avoided, in favor of a blockout which can be forked into both HP and LP.
  • ghib
    Froyok: cheers for the froRetopo link (what a ******* terrible name).

    I'm not quite sure I agree with this:
    Froyok wrote: »
    froRetopo ? :poly142:
    I know some of my friends prefer the 3D Coat workflow because it's more focused on face creations rather than vertex. Personally I prefer working with vertex as I find it more efficient and practical to control you polycount and flow of polygons.
    3Dcoat has a QuadDraw style function that is ALL about placement of Vertices (or opengl dots) filling in where you want the quads is secondary but this allows experimentation of edgeflow.

    also... this is coming right?
    Data-Driven Interactive Quadrangulation

    Wonder who will be the first to implement such a thing. Farsthary on the 3DCoat dev team seems to be all over auto-retop at the moment.

  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    ghib wrote: »
    I'm not quite sure I agree with this:

    3Dcoat has a QuadDraw style function that is ALL about placement of Vertices (or opengl dots) filling in where you want the quads is secondary but this allows experimentation of edgeflow.
    I'm not an user of 3D coat, so I can only use my friends feedback to judge.
  • ghib
    ok fair enough. The reason I stopped using 3DCoat and started using NVil for my retopology is that the former lacks certain functions that would give it the leading edge.
    Anyone who's thrown a hissy fit because a vertex gets trapped under a mesh will know what I mean. It's next to impossible to retrieve it.

    Using a dedicated modelling app like Max, Maya, NVil for me is far more ideal. You get decent retopology tools AND the wealth of modelling functions that come with the package.
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Combination of zremesh, base mesh and 3dsmax polydraw.
  • BeachBum
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    BeachBum polycounter lvl 4
    montana2008..I never found a function that would offset. I had to draw out the vertices then use the local move to position them
  • MDiamond
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    MDiamond polycounter lvl 11
    Modo. Maya is cool too.
  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    ghib wrote: »
    Using a dedicated modelling app like Max, Maya, NVil for me is far more ideal. You get decent retopology tools AND the wealth of modelling functions that come with the package.
    Yeah, that's mostly my point too. :)
  • Der Hollander
    For organic modeling, I'm a huge fan of 3DCoat, the stroke function makes generating limbs a snap, and the quad tool works super fast. It's not without its problems, but I find it less problematic to work with than ZBrush, Topogun, or even 3DS Max built-in tools. I don't really care for the ZRemesher function outside of making more uniform geo for sculpting as I always get spiral geo out of it, making it a huge pain to work with for making adjustments or even just getting a clean edgeloop selection.

    For hard surface, I think Amsterdam's got it on the nose.
    At the risk of being too general I would argue that fast hardsurface is all about pretopology, not retopology. The fastest way to achieve a good hardsurface HP is to model with procedural functions, not by hand (compared to sculpting a character). Procedural functions work off of more primitive meshes, which can often be converted directly into the lowpoly. The retopo step (highpoly > lowpoly) should be avoided, in favor of a blockout which can be forked into both HP and LP.
    Model your blockout to match from the get-go, Then just turn off your modifier stacks for a good start on the low. I don't think there's anything worse than trying to place vertices by hand onto a geometrically precise object and having it not turn out poorly.
  • ZacD
  • jfitch
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    jfitch polycounter lvl 5

    Works like Maya's built in tools but it's much faster and comes with a ton of nice features :) just what I'm used to. Check out the demo, its worth a try at least. Doesn't work with Maya 2016 yet.
  • Tzur_H
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    Tzur_H polycounter lvl 9
    Zremesh , Modo
  • tungerz
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    tungerz polygon
    Would love to see this get in (hopefully in blender :p) but other apps as well.
    Data-Driven Interactive Quadrangulation =
  • lildragn
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    lildragn polycounter lvl 17
    ghib wrote: »
    Anyone who's thrown a hissy fit because a vertex gets trapped under a mesh will know what I mean. It's next to impossible to retrieve it.

    Though I loved using 3Dcoat for awhile, this certainly ended that retopo relationship with me, and Maya now is the same, but with Maya you have to pop out of Quad Draw and use the normal tools to put the vert back on the surface then re-enter QD. You can get the idea how annoying that is.

    I had to revert back to Topogun for now... Modo looks good but I have to find the time to learn it :(
  • instg8r
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    instg8r polycounter lvl 8
    I think that's a good point.

    At the risk of being too general I would argue that fast hardsurface is all about pretopology, not retopology. The fastest way to achieve a good hardsurface HP is to model with procedural functions, not by hand (compared to sculpting a character). Procedural functions work off of more primitive meshes, which can often be converted directly into the lowpoly. The retopo step (highpoly > lowpoly) should be avoided, in favor of a blockout which can be forked into both HP and LP.

    I've adapted this workflow more into my hard surface work lately. Were as before my blockout/proxy model was pretty basic, I've gotten into the habit of making it as close to what I expect the low poly to be, plus a little bit. It saves a ton of time when it comes to the true low poly.
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