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The Witcher 3



  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    So many Notice Board #_# Which leads to so many many more icons on the map @_@

    Maybe I do something wrong, but I keep running into mobs of lv 9, and 15+ while I was lv 5 or something...
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    PyrZern wrote: »
    Maybe I do something wrong, but I keep running into mobs of lv 9, and 15+ while I was lv 5 or something...

    It's because the Witcher 3 is a single player MMORPG. You've got to grind to the next zone's level before you can explore there. Instead of using painted borders on the map they use high level creatures that one shot you to keep you away from the zones. The game is telling you "No, you're not supposed to be here and have fun exploring. Go away grind some levels!". You should also avoid going into areas that have mob levels ??, cause they will kill you.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, I think I might disable some of the icons and stuff (and you CAN do that! Yay, options with actual options), because as said, they are distracting from the world and while it's nice when you are actually herb hunting, they are distracting you from concentrating on the rest of the game.

    I noticed something I found really awesome and well made. The weather turned bad... It was great, you could see the black clouds approce and then the wind gets stronger little by little and all the trees and bushes gets affected by it, it was great! Loved it.

    EDIT: Regarding the levels, that I actually love, it's not like Oblivion that levels up mobs with you (GOD I hated that, mods saved the game), so you actually have to judge the enemy before attacking, and if they are too tough, avoid them and maybe come back later and woop their arse. However if you can't avoid the fight and actually kills it, awesome high you get from that as well. :) The game is not suppose to be just run and kill everything and level up. Need to pick your battles.
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    It's because the Witcher 3 is a single player MMORPG

    wut? In older cRPGs which preceded MMOs it was a normal thing that if you went too far away you'd meet enemies that could kill you in one blow.
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    Tekoppar wrote: »
    It's because the Witcher 3 is a single player MMORPG. You've got to grind to the next zone's level before you can explore there. Instead of using painted borders on the map they use high level creatures that one shot you to keep you away from the zones. The game is telling you "No, you're not supposed to be here and have fun exploring. Go away grind some levels!". You should also avoid going into areas that have mob levels ??, cause they will kill you.

    that actually coudn't be further from the truth.
    the monster levels all around the world are mixed so you can find quests for your level wherever you go, and you can enter all areas from the start once you finished the prologue.
  • Equanim
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    Equanim polycounter lvl 11
    Deathstick wrote: »
    time to save up for a new computer... doh

    On that, I'm running an i7-4770, 16gb of RAM, but my gpu is a 560ti which I guess is below minimum. For settings, I've dropped everything to low, bumped textures up to ultra, AO to medium, foliage distance to medium, and turned on bloom and light shafts. I get around 40fps in high action areas and the game still blows anything from last gen out of the water. Texture resolution will give you the most noticable fidelity imo.

    I could play around more, but tbat's a happy medium between performance and fidelity I'm comfortable with.
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    Goeddy wrote: »
    that actually coudn't be further from the truth.
    the monster levels all around the world are mixed so you can find quests for your level wherever you go, and you can enter all areas from the start once you finished the prologue.

    Yep, just like you can do in an MMORPG.
  • Grindigo
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    Grindigo polycounter lvl 6
    Tekoppar wrote: »
    It's because the Witcher 3 is a single player MMORPG. You've got to grind to the next zone's level before you can explore there. Instead of using painted borders on the map they use high level creatures that one shot you to keep you away from the zones. The game is telling you "No, you're not supposed to be here and have fun exploring. Go away grind some levels!". You should also avoid going into areas that have mob levels ??, cause they will kill you.

    This is seriously the worst way to put it, they stated they made creature levels non scalable and instead they predefined levels to make it more challenging, you can still fight them easily if you know their weaknesses and you have some decent items, no you don't need to grind levels, on level 5 I can pretty easily kill a level 12 monster with preparation.
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    Grindigo wrote: »
    This is seriously the worst way to put it, they stated they made creature levels non scalable and instead they predefined levels to make it more challenging, you can still fight them easily if you know their weaknesses and you have some decent items, no you don't need to grind levels, on level 5 I can pretty easily kill a level 12 monster with preparation.

    It's not more challenging because an enemy has more health and deals more damage. Yes you can fight any monsters, but there is zero incentive to do so. If you want a "challenge" you might as well fight without a weapon and just use fists.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    I disagree with that. I haven't gotten far into the Witcher 3 yet, but I know I'm not a fan of scaled enemy levels. I'm reminded of Morrowind, a game where you could go anywhere at level 1 but you would get #rekt if you opened the wrong door or pissed off the wrong dude. Then later, you can go back to these areas and it gives a good measure of your power. And it's really fun to at least try to take on enemies that are much stronger than you.

    Enemy strength that is always scaled to the player character is incredibly boring IMO and it makes a game monotonous (see: Oblivion).

    I'm not saying the Witcher 3 has implemented this any better, I've only played for a few hours and I was mostly picking herbs, but your points just don't make much sense to me.
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    Shiniku wrote: »
    I disagree with that. I haven't gotten far into the Witcher 3 yet, but I know I'm not a fan of scaled enemy levels. I'm reminded of Morrowind, a game where you could go anywhere at level 1 but you would get #rekt if you opened the wrong door or pissed off the wrong dude. Then later, you can go back to these areas and it gives a good measure of your power. And it's really fun to at least try to take on enemies that are much stronger than you.

    Enemy strength that is always scaled to the player character is incredibly boring IMO and it makes a game monotonous (see: Oblivion).

    I'm not saying the Witcher 3 has implemented this any better, I've only played for a few hours and I was mostly picking herbs, but your points just don't make much sense to me.

    I'm not talking about enemies scaling with your level, I'm talking about having enemies having fixed levels with their type. Example, normal nekkers are set at level 3. Another nekker type is level 9 and looks different. That way you can remove showing the player levels of the enemies as he will remember what enemies he can kill just by looking at them. I want to be rewarded if I go out of my way and kill way more powerful enemies then myself, I don't get that at the moment, give me a great XP boost the first time I kill an enemy type so the player knows that he gets rewards for exploring and finding different types of enemies. Reward me for finding special locations, have treasure that's not guarded but hard to find.

    Make levels like in Witcher 2 where they were more so you could tailor your playstyle to the one you wanted. I want to hunt monsters, I want said monsters to be difficult because I don't know how to defeat them not because they've got a higher level then me. I want it to be more about the skill of the player rather then his gear. What I wanted was Witcher 2 but open world.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I've got it on the One and the PC, and even though I have a GTX 970, I'm gaming on the One. Sue me.

    Anyway, yeah... Liking the game, its not gripping me as much as say Skyrim did, but its great stuff. I'm hoping they iron out performance a bit, at the very least cap the FPS at 30, because my GOD it gives me eye ache playing it like no other game... The sooner that happens the better. Also the tiny fonts are a bit crazy, like, I sit 6 feet away from a 55 inch TV, and I have trouble reading the distance to targets on the minimap... Insane... But I wont use the stupidly over sized HUD.

    Also, I'm not too sure on the whole XP system. It takes forever to level up, forcing you to do main quests. Side quests net you next to nothing, and enemies may as well not give you anything (2-4 XP? wow...). I know they did it this way so you wouldn't be over powered, but isn't that the whole point?! I've gone out, I've grinded, I've worked hard tpo get my level higher, that's the whole point, to make things easier...

    I dunno man, some of these things, they just seem off... And whoever made the UI, well, congrats... You failed. Quite badly. Such a mess.

    But thankfully the game does keep me coming back for more. I'm nearly level 10 now, had sex with the Blonde witch with the awesome nipples. Solved some crimes. Good stuff. When this game is good, its DAMN GOOD, even after the whole graphics downgrade shit... But some of the things it does just baffle me... How some bugs got through cert I'll never know. Like how did they not see the frame pacing issues? How did they not see that if you leave the game on sleep mode on the xbox, the title screen refuses to load the game until you restart the console? Its almost like they didn't test it at all!
  • Torch
  • Martin Henriksson
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    Martin Henriksson polycounter lvl 9
    Absolutely loving the game, cant put it down. I was expecting it to be good but its honestly a contender for best game of all time for me. When i heard they were going open world i was worried because im not a fan of Skyrim type gameplay were the world is just a huge sandbox without any interesting characters and stories but boy did they pull this one off. The world is completely full of interesting sidequests and mood. Graphics, writing, voice acting, effects are all at the very best level. Congrats to everyone on CDPR :)
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Absolutely love this game! I have a gtx 670 and see some performance hiccups if I go above med/high settings, But that's expected it is a new game after all and I'm using old hardware. The game looks beautiful though so Props to the Art team!

    Quick Tip if you want to crank out some more FPS turn Hairworks off


    For Nvidia
    Edit your rendering.ini file and change the AA on Hairworks to 6/4/2 (Warning on 2 it looks really bad, 4 not so much) You can find the file under your witcherfolder/bin/config/base

    Don't forget to set the file to read only!

    For AMD: Go to your CCC and lower the tessellation settings

    Happy Monster Hunting!
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    FULGORE greentooth
    Having a great time with it so far. Just got up to Lv 5, plenty of weird encounters, like being shot at by some bandit or something hiding in the foliage while I fumbled about trying to escape in a boat, running into the drunken barber, and fetching a frying pan for an old lady. Oh, and never take Golems lightly...

    Plus it still looks good, even on Low, even captured on a phone camera :P I rode and sailed pretty much all day to Novigrad, got very lost, eventually got new gear and found the brothel. Seen more nipples than you can cast an Igni sign at.

    And nabbed a (steel) sword from a Wild Hunt rider :D

  • frmdbl
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    frmdbl polycounter
    This game is insane, the sheer amount of stuff combined with the quality and polish really blows my mind.

    I've put about 30 hours so far, mostly sidequest, but I got sucked in like few times before.

    I haven't experienced any bugs other that occasional popping here and there.

    The graphics look really great on my low-end 750 ti, and the game works really smooth.
  • Equanim
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    Equanim polycounter lvl 11
    For people just starting out, don't be afraid to do quests one or two levels above yours, three is pushing it in my experience, but I'm only level 8. Also repairing gear is freaking expensive but you can suppliment it by selling monster parts to alchemists and never buy when you can craft something reasonably close instead. Plus, raw materials weigh next to nothing.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Except for things for armorcrafting, like furs and skins. Btw, it doesn't really make sense that the Witcher cannot on his own, turn his skins/pelts into leather. I would think that he got some basic raw material treatment skills. I'm just hoping that a mod might be able to fix this, or is there already a way to do it?
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    I think it makes sense from a design perspective, keeps the crafting limited to hub areas to reinforce the gameplay loop. But I have no doubt stuff like that will get modded to no end for every preference!
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, I know, but I still believe that basic tasks, like the leather, should be able to be done by the player, but things like turning ore into ingots would require a blacksmith. But yeah, modders will get that sorted I think. Btw, anyone else get a bit of STALKER feel of the world?
  • loggie24
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    loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
    Just finished the game. 9/10, any gamer interested in a great story, amazing characters, great graphics and a huge amount of content need to get this game NOW!
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    Equanim wrote: »
    Wound up hiding my minimap last night because I was looking at it more than the game. It takes some getting used to but it actually makes the game feel more natural for exploration.

    I might try this. one thing the game is really great at is landmarks. you can look at your map and see some settlement, and when you close the map and look up at the horizon you will find a tower in the distance, or a windmill, or the lights of a city at night.

    Several times I have climbed a hill just to look around and 'manually' get my bearings. It's fantastic!
  • Equanim
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    Equanim polycounter lvl 11
    Not sure what mod support will be like, but I'd love a straight up compass. No markers, just north, south, east and west.

    Saddly, I wound up turning my hud back on, making it smaller, and training my eyes not to look at it. =\
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    just got my copy last night, so excited to play it! no time to do so till next week tho :P
  • Kazperstan
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    Kazperstan greentooth
    fearian wrote: »
    I might try this. one thing the game is really great at is landmarks. you can look at your map and see some settlement, and when you close the map and look up at the horizon you will find a tower in the distance, or a windmill, or the lights of a city at night.

    Several times I have climbed a hill just to look around and 'manually' get my bearings. It's fantastic!

    I've just been sailing around exploring at the moment (with a now nice backlog of contracts). The landmarks have been a nice thing to aim for.

    So cool to see things playing out in settlements even without quests activated. I found a haunted house/tower with something banging and shaking doors. Open the door and there is nothing there! Firmly Nope'd my way out of there and sailed into the sunset.
  • Higuy
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    Higuy polycounter lvl 11

    I haven't played the other two, but really want to play this one. Is the other two "required" (as in, lots of story and background stuff) to play The Witcher 3?
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Higuy wrote: »

    I haven't played the other two, but really want to play this one. Is the other two "required" (as in, lots of story and background stuff) to play The Witcher 3?

    I don't think so. Seems to be so far a more stand alone story and setting. With some cameos and references to the past games. But nothing major. You could just watch a recap on youtube or something of the previous 2 games if you really want.
  • frmdbl
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    frmdbl polycounter

    I don't think you need to play the other games, there are some references though to the plot the previous games and the books.

    I played all the games and read all the Witcher Saga books and otherwise, but it was a long time ago and I don't remember a lot of it. I doesn't really matter I think.
  • Equanim
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    Equanim polycounter lvl 11
    Read up on lore for the wild hunt and Yennifer and you'll have a solid grasp of what's going on. You can also watch Geralt's memories from the second game which will catch you up.
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    This game has pushed it up a level for me.

    What is the team size on this game?

  • OutOfMyMind
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    OutOfMyMind polycounter lvl 5
    Just finished it. Graphics in this game are unbeliveable. I lack words to describe how good it is. It is worth playing just for that(combat and controls are meh).
  • ledyr
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    ledyr polycounter lvl 7
    Team may be up to even 150 people. It's quite a big company
  • frmdbl
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    frmdbl polycounter
    I think they mentioned over 200 people.
    I'm quite impressed with the graphics too and what's more they look great on quite low settings, the uber settings look too sharp and busy for me.
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    frmdbl wrote: »
    I think they mentioned over 200 people.
    I'm quite impressed with the graphics too and what's more they look great on quite low settings, the uber settings look too sharp and busy for me.

    Yeah I heard it was about 200, although that might include the cyberpunk team? The sharpening in post processing is pretty intense on ultra, but you can turn it down independently, I've got it on low.

    I've been really impressed with it so fart, easily sunk about 30-40 hours into it and I still feel like I've barely scratched the surface. I've been very impressed with how well it runs, been able to have it on ultra from the offset with no dip in performance on a machine that's a tiny bit under the recommended settings.

    So glad those two years of hype didn't fall flat :)
  • rino
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    rino polycounter lvl 12
    mazz423 wrote: »
    I've been really impressed with it so fart

    woohoo let's fart!
  • loggie24
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    loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
    Guys, please don't rush this game. I story rushed and after 50 hours i was heart broken. The game is amazing and that's why i regret rushing it so much, you should do all the side quests, explore etc before moving on with the story. Might play trough it again though. DONT DO THIS MISTAKE!!!!
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Hell, you don't need to tell me, my problem is to actually do some of the main story before getting sunked into sidequests... every time I think "Ahh that will be the last of it...wait..what is...damn...sigh...okay, so what is YOUR problem now?", and get a bunch of new quests. ;) Still stuck in Valen, tempted to go to the islands, but... so many things to die... PS. witches must die... they are ... yeah...

    Still get taken by some of the stories in the game, and how dark it gets sometimes, but the best thing is that the world feels really alive. One little thing is, the merchants that appear after clearing an area... they all seem to be the same person, with glasses. ;)

    Some improvements I would like would be some sorting for inventory and filtering in crafting (filter out recipies you cannot use yet). Also would like if the menus would remember your last place, for example when switching between quest and map, it keeps the map zoomed in the last place you looked, and the quests panels are opened in the last place you were.
  • DanglinBob
    So I take it this is something I should go buy right now eh? :)
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    The side story itself is quite polished. I really love "family matters "and "ghost island story" so far quite touchy . Lots of sidequest characters got some good acting performamce
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