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Fantasy House

polycounter lvl 5
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lucak polycounter lvl 5
Hello polycounters.I modeled a house some months ago when I started hand painting for the first time and it came out messy like this:


Then recently I'm trying to redo some of my models so I messed a bit with it and textured it again


so how did it came out?
feel free to suggest/critique/help!


  • Gazu
    Offline / Send Message
    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
    Looks... Sweet :D

    Compare the Size of the Grass with the House.
    The Grass is to Big.

    Also your Textures are really flat.
    I would recommend you to practice more the hand painted look.

  • lucak
    Offline / Send Message
    lucak polycounter lvl 5
    Gazu wrote: »
    Looks... Sweet :D

    Compare the Size of the Grass with the House.
    The Grass is to Big.

    Also your Textures are really flat.
    I would recommend you to practice more the hand painted look.


    I'm always practicing textures :p
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