
I just started learning tileable textures with Zbrush, so I create this thread for the future textures to come, and probably for my future substance painter textures as well.
Herringbone floor : Zbrush / Quixel suite / Photoshop
Forest ground : Zbrush / Photoshop
Both are rendered with the use of tessellation in Marmoset Toolbag 2 !

Now, this Forest Ground Floor materials is all good, but you should keep in mind when those textures repeat, big "landmarks" of the texture will pop out and it will be very obvious tiling (repeating) so, I would advise you remove those big branches, maybe leave out some small ones, but the big brnches you can add via decals and such other methods.
Keep on doing nice work.
So, how did you do this?
I also thinked that if I have to use it in a scene, I'll probably have another texture like blank dirt for blending, and plants / grass meshes and trees of course , It would probably hide the obvious tiling.
Gazu and supremedalek925 Thanks guys
I can't do a breakdown with screenshots right now, it's late haha, but I'll see if I can do it soon!
It's pretty simple :
-tileable ground with generic dirt done with alpha in zbrush, in case the pine needles don't cover 100%.
-Meshes : pine needles (2 variants), branches (4/5 variants), little plants/grass (also something like 4/5 variants), and one mesh for the pine cone!
And then differents layers with all those meshes on top of each others, wrap for tiling and done!
1st one using a video to help me getting started (just add height variation, and weathering). The two others are for my future sci-fi scene.
Few more sceenshots with differents lightning here : https://www.artstation.com/artist/cougarjo