Coming from max to maya I find the mechanics of the UV editor to be a little confusing, when I have a multi-object model why do my unselected clusters hide in the layout box?
If I want to manually re-arrange the clusters so all the islands of a certain object are kept together it becomes difficult because everything becomes hidden and I don't know whether or not i'm planting them on top of another object.
Some insight would be lovely
If you're trying to do multiple layouts for several objects you can group those objects to create an easy selection.
If you want say the Sword and Shield to be on one texture, select those, lay them out in 0-1. Then the rest of the character, select it and pack it to 0-1. Is that your goal or am I misunderstanding?
Rather than this:
Its true I can have all islands viewable in UV mode but then I lose the ability to manipulate or transform by object select without making everything else disappear.,topicNumber=d30e221648
don't think so.
and this ?
Select all objects - F12 (rather than suggested method in link of object by object Right Click "UV") - click on a UV point for part of the shell in the 3D viewport - in UV editor Ctrl + Right Click "To Shell" - move your shell. Repeat clicking on UV point for part of shell in 3D viewport for next shell you want to move.