Yesterday my client sent me a piece that needed to be fixed. The decorative element intended for printing/molding/whatever. Some size and proportion changes were required. In the end he decided to redo the piece altogether and I asked to get a shot at it (he has some other guy doing it). He sent me an template which quality I should have matched.
I did the element and sent him but he said that it doesn't hit the quality bar unfortunately. In the past
I did such pieces for my clients and they were accepted so it's not that I'm a complete noob at doing such stuff.
I asked for feedback but the guy was too busy and I don't want to bother him too much. So please Polycount be merciless and tell where do I suck.
Here is the template which quality I should have matched:
Here's a blueprint for my model:
Here's a final result:
My take is that the template looks like a combination of leaves and fish tail, all of which are clearly affected by gravity. They curve down and look soft.
Yours is looking like a ribbon and quite rigid.